- On your parents' 25th anniversary you probably want to present them with a gift they'll love, something above and beyond the everyday gift. After all, if it weren't for them you wouldn't be here today and what better way to thank them for that than by celebrating their anniversary? In keeping with the silver tradition purchase a silver photo frame and have it engraved with something meaningful. In the frame place a wedding photo or a photo of the entire family together, which any parent or grandparent is sure to love.
- Shopping for men is pretty easy. Any intuitive woman knows exactly what her husband wants and enjoys, especially after 25 years of marriage. As a woman you've probably seen your husband look at his watch a time or two, especially when you can't decide what to wear so consider getting him a new, silver watch to wear while waiting for you to finish getting ready. If your husband isn't the watch type but loves to golf, pick up a new set of clubs for him. Technically, golf clubs aren't silver but when you explain to your husband that the handles are silver he won't care either way if it's keeping with tradition.
- Birthdays, Christmas and anniversaries: the three occasions that make most men sweat from the mere idea of picking up the perfect gift for that someone special. Knowing that the 25th anniversary is silver makes shopping a little less stressful for most men because it does provide a starting point. Any silver jewelry, especially if it features diamonds or other gemstones is appropriate. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings are disliked by few, if any, women. Take note of the type of jewelry your wife wears on a regular basis to make sure you pick up the right item; you don't want to pick up a pair of beautiful silver and diamond earrings for her ears are not pierced.
- Give your friends something to toast with on their 25th wedding anniversary in the form of silver toasting flutes and a bottle of champagne. Have personalized a serving tray or a photo frame for the couple on their anniversary. Send a bouquet of flowers in a silver vase to the couple. Or, if you know the couple are avid collectors of something find one in silver to give them -- coin collections and other silver items that people collect are always appropriate gifts.