- A container is built around the egg to slow the descent and to cushion the egg's impact on the ground. Usually, a parachute constructed of napkins or a lightweight material is used to slow the descent of the egg. Materials are often limited to plastic wrap, craft sticks and rubber bands. The egg, container and parachute are dropped at varying heights, to record the height the egg is broken on impact.
- In this variation the egg is dropped without a device to slow the descent of the dropped egg. The naked egg drop is constructing a container to catch a raw egg dropped from at least 3 feet to begin. The height the egg is dropped is increased until the egg is broken or the container is missed.
- The egg and container are hurled from an air cannon, slingshot or small catapult. The container should be designed to slow the velocity of the egg and protect the egg upon impact. The egg hurl effectively combines the challenges of controlling descent and providing an adequate cushion for impact.
- Construct a crack-proof container around the egg to be dropped. This competition requires that no parachute or other device be used to slow the speed or velocity of the dropped egg. The challenge is to construct a container that protects the egg while being dropped and upon impact.
Parachute Egg Drop
Naked Egg Drop
Egg Hurl
Crack-Proof Container