Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

The Story of Beowulf and I

I know for sure that all of you have seen or watched a story about a hero or a heroine.
But there is one epic movie that you will surely repeat all over again.
The story of Beowulf is a wanted epic story in the field of literature.
Before I witnessed this kind of movie, I was longing for a unique and amazing story movie which obtains great actors and actresses, wholesome music directory, unusual setting, fascinating plot and clear visualization of the entire movie.
Until I watched Beowulf, the search was then over.
It talks about the outstanding strength of a warrior named Beowulf.
This warrior was able to overcome 3 antagonists.
These cruel antagonists were the dragon, Grendel, and Grendel's mother.
Beowulf was able to defeat Grendel with barefoot and having no clothes or weapons at all.
I was amazed of how the director brought up the movie for it received invaluable fame from the people, all around the world.
Few months ago, my teacher in the English subject requested us to do some comparative analysis between the original story of Beowulf or the epic poem itself and the movie of Beowulf.
As I go over the poem, I had noticed, there were twists and turns that was made to the original story or thought of the epic poem.
But even though the director twisted some of the concepts of the story, it only showed that this director was creative enough for he was able to transform a silent story to a clamorous one which shook the world of entertainment and amazed the people.
Beowulf and his story will never ever be forgotten by the people who sincerely understood it.
The concepts, main happenings, and especially the lessons.
This story, may it be in the epic poem or in the movie form, will still catch the attention of the future younger generations for it obtains many useful data or information that can be related to life.
Especially in the aspect of faithfulness in God.
This story is indeed one of a kind.
Try to watch this and feel what I had felt when I was able to finish watching the movie.
You will learn a lot from this movie and you will be able to realize something.
After watching, you may have a different impression with mine, but mind you, this movie will influence you positively.
Isn't it great?
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