Understanding the meaning of tarot cards is important if you want to start doing readings, be it for yourself or for others.
However the meanings are not actually black and white but more like a kind of wisdom, an access to divine guidance.
For this reason it is important to approach gaining an understanding of the meaning of tarot cards more in terms of intuition and awareness.
To demonstrate how you should approach the cards, I will show you how to work with the tower card.
The Tower Card I have chosen the tower card because this is often considered to be a negative card and can cause concern when it shows in a reading.
However, this does not always have to be the case and is a good example of how understanding the meaning of tarot cards is far more complex than most people imagine.
There are 4 main factors that you should look at: 1) The first one is that the Tower is from the major arcana and therefore carries more weight.
It is showing you that this is going to centre around a major event or be a big turning point.
Surrounding cards and their meanings will be influenced by this card so you will need to bear this in mind.
2) Secondly, the traditional meaning.
By saying that intuition is important, I'm not advising you to throw out the basic meaning of the cards! So the tower card often shows major upheaval, emotional trauma or consequences for actions.
So you can understand why it's often not too welcome, but don't rush to any conclusions yet.
This is just your starting point.
3) Where does it feature in the tarot spread you are using? Is this card showing as an outcome or relating to the past? If it is showing as part of the past then it is clear that this person has issues that they need to move on from, a need to let go.
If it shows in the outcome, then you need to start to piece together the path that this negative event is going to take.
Again, don't rush to condemn the individual concerned to tragedy, you will need to then move on to interpretation.
4) Interpretation is extremely important and this is where your true understanding of the meaning of the tarot cards comes from.
Following on from above, where the tower card shows as an outcome, this actually presents the possibility of solutions.
Remember, this hasn't happened yet and this is where using the tarot cards for guidance comes in.
Look to the other cards to see what else is happening.
Is this is reading about a relationship? Inform the querant that the way in which they are behaving is leading to a break up or heartbreak.
There are alternatives and that work can be done to avert this.
So understanding the meaning of the tarot cards is much more of an personal thing, led by your ability to link in with the whole reading and offer guidance and choices.
When you learn to do this, you will be able to use the tarot cards to their full potential and can really make a difference.
However the meanings are not actually black and white but more like a kind of wisdom, an access to divine guidance.
For this reason it is important to approach gaining an understanding of the meaning of tarot cards more in terms of intuition and awareness.
To demonstrate how you should approach the cards, I will show you how to work with the tower card.
The Tower Card I have chosen the tower card because this is often considered to be a negative card and can cause concern when it shows in a reading.
However, this does not always have to be the case and is a good example of how understanding the meaning of tarot cards is far more complex than most people imagine.
There are 4 main factors that you should look at: 1) The first one is that the Tower is from the major arcana and therefore carries more weight.
It is showing you that this is going to centre around a major event or be a big turning point.
Surrounding cards and their meanings will be influenced by this card so you will need to bear this in mind.
2) Secondly, the traditional meaning.
By saying that intuition is important, I'm not advising you to throw out the basic meaning of the cards! So the tower card often shows major upheaval, emotional trauma or consequences for actions.
So you can understand why it's often not too welcome, but don't rush to any conclusions yet.
This is just your starting point.
3) Where does it feature in the tarot spread you are using? Is this card showing as an outcome or relating to the past? If it is showing as part of the past then it is clear that this person has issues that they need to move on from, a need to let go.
If it shows in the outcome, then you need to start to piece together the path that this negative event is going to take.
Again, don't rush to condemn the individual concerned to tragedy, you will need to then move on to interpretation.
4) Interpretation is extremely important and this is where your true understanding of the meaning of the tarot cards comes from.
Following on from above, where the tower card shows as an outcome, this actually presents the possibility of solutions.
Remember, this hasn't happened yet and this is where using the tarot cards for guidance comes in.
Look to the other cards to see what else is happening.
Is this is reading about a relationship? Inform the querant that the way in which they are behaving is leading to a break up or heartbreak.
There are alternatives and that work can be done to avert this.
So understanding the meaning of the tarot cards is much more of an personal thing, led by your ability to link in with the whole reading and offer guidance and choices.
When you learn to do this, you will be able to use the tarot cards to their full potential and can really make a difference.