Home & Garden Pest Control

Getting Rid of Fleas in The Home Is Less Complicated Than Most People Might Imagine

Nobody relishes the idea of getting rid of fleas in the home but, once you know that you have them the sooner you start to deal with them the better and with the right help and guidance you can do this very effectively.
Getting rid of fleas in the home does take a little time and patience and you will not get them gone overnight but, you will see the back of them providing you adopt a hard hitting, no nonsense approach in sorting the problem out.
So, how best to deal with these tiny terrors? It may be of help to explain a little and to give you a better understanding of a fleas lifecycle which makes it easier to realise why it is so important that you do have to have such a thorough regime to ensure that you get them gone for good.
It is not good enough to just crush the odd one or two that you first find as, by this time you are more than likely to have a whole horde developing unseen.
They will be either on your pets (if you have them) or in any nooks and crannies such as edges of skirting boards, cracks between floorboards or, even under rug edges.
Fleas need blood not only as a food source to survive but to enable them to reproduce and lay eggs.
So, any warm blooded creature such as a dog, cat, rabbit, chicken or unfortunately a human too makes the perfect meal for these horrid parasites.
Once they detect vibrations and warmth that your furry friends or indeed you give off, they will hop on board and bite in order to drain blood and drink their fill.
This is why you may see your pet itching and scratching more than usual or, you will see the hard, red, raised itching lumps on your own skin indicating that you have been made a meal of.
What then happens is the female will lay between 45 to 50 eggs per day.
The next two stages consist of larva and pupa and finally, completing the cycle into adult flea.
In order to effectively beat these very resilient little creatures you have to do two things 1.
Kill the adults and 2.
Prevent the eggs and larva from developing further.
If you do one without the other you really will be wasting your time and efforts.
So, to make an impact straight away you can use a flea trap or flea traps which are very efficient in dealing with the fully grown adults and take immediate effect.
This is just great psychologically because you can see the positive results with all of the dead ones in evidence, brilliant.
By treating your pets with careful use of powders, drops and collars and putting their bedding through the hot wash in your machine you can take care of both the adults and the eggs and larva.
Getting rid of fleas in the home by vacuuming thoroughly once you have used powders or sprays throughout too, they will soon be a distant memory.
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