- 1). Pick an area you want to designate as the cat play area, whether it be a small room in your house or a small area in a living space, preferably in a corner. Build parts one at a time; you can rearrange when it's all done. You can customize the size of your cat play area based upon how much space you have.
- 2). Attach shag carpet to around the tube using a spray adhesive. Make two or three of these carpet-covered tubes, depending on how many tubes you have. Cats love to walk though and scratch at these features.
- 3). Line each cardboard crate with a different type of heavy fabric--such as denim and corduroy--using glue. This will provide different textures to scratch. Lay the old pillow in one of the crates; this will serve as a cat bed.
- 4). Cut all the flaps off the cardboard boxes. Line the insides with the remaining carpet using spray adhesive.
- 5). Using the measuring tape, measure the area where you will set the cat's play station. It can be helpful to sketch how you want to position all the items you built.
- 6). Assemble the play area by placing one of the cardboard boxes against the wall or corner and secure it using the tape. Position the crates on either side of the box, and lay the tubes against the crates, using more tape as needed to secure the pieces.
- 7). Hang bells on strings and position them low enough where the cat can reach them.