The benefits of Garlic have been researched, studied and tested for a number of years now. Through all this research thus far it has been determined that two of garlic's main health benefits and medicinal properties are as an antifungal remedy and as an immune booster.
Today, this natural herb is now known to be an excellent home remedy for many ailments and conditions. This herb is great for maintaining overall health, as a natural and powerful antibiotic, as an antioxidant, and is also recognized to help lower blood pressure and so many other conditions.
This natural antibiotic has been proven to be effective against viruses, toxic bacteria and fungus. Hence, garlic used as a natural home remedy is one of the best things you can take for yeast infections. A yeast infection is basically an overgrowth of the vaginal yeast called Candida Albicans, which is basically a fungus. When there is a Ph imbalance in the vagina this overgrowth of yeast occurs causing the infection.
The symptoms or signs of a yeast infection include vaginal itching, possible burning sensation while urinating as well as a burning sensation during sexual intercourse. Another possible symptom is a vaginal discharge which will be a thick and lumpy, white like substance. This discharge is often described as a cottage cheese like substance.
There are several different ways in which to use garlic. It can be taken orally or actually placed into the vagina. If taken orally you can either take tablets such as Shaklee garlic tabs, Kyolic tabs (liquid form is also available) which can be purchased at any grocery store or vitamin shop. If you are really brave, you can also press a whole garlic clove and drink it down with a glass of water.
For a more instant relief you can peel one clove and insert it into the vagina as is or if you prefer you can wrap it lightly in gauze and insert it into the vagina. The same can be done with the tablets. Inserting one clove or tablet every few hours as needed will provide soothing relief of your yeast infection symptoms.
Also, it is best that while you are suffering from a yeast infection that you do not douche. Douching can actually upset the normal vaginal Ph and thus change the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. And it may actually be one of the causes why you got the infection in the first place. Our bodies are incredible beings that often times works on its own to keep itself healthy and safe and the vagina is no exception. It is a self-cleaning organ so regular douching really is not necessary.
Today, this natural herb is now known to be an excellent home remedy for many ailments and conditions. This herb is great for maintaining overall health, as a natural and powerful antibiotic, as an antioxidant, and is also recognized to help lower blood pressure and so many other conditions.
This natural antibiotic has been proven to be effective against viruses, toxic bacteria and fungus. Hence, garlic used as a natural home remedy is one of the best things you can take for yeast infections. A yeast infection is basically an overgrowth of the vaginal yeast called Candida Albicans, which is basically a fungus. When there is a Ph imbalance in the vagina this overgrowth of yeast occurs causing the infection.
The symptoms or signs of a yeast infection include vaginal itching, possible burning sensation while urinating as well as a burning sensation during sexual intercourse. Another possible symptom is a vaginal discharge which will be a thick and lumpy, white like substance. This discharge is often described as a cottage cheese like substance.
There are several different ways in which to use garlic. It can be taken orally or actually placed into the vagina. If taken orally you can either take tablets such as Shaklee garlic tabs, Kyolic tabs (liquid form is also available) which can be purchased at any grocery store or vitamin shop. If you are really brave, you can also press a whole garlic clove and drink it down with a glass of water.
For a more instant relief you can peel one clove and insert it into the vagina as is or if you prefer you can wrap it lightly in gauze and insert it into the vagina. The same can be done with the tablets. Inserting one clove or tablet every few hours as needed will provide soothing relief of your yeast infection symptoms.
Also, it is best that while you are suffering from a yeast infection that you do not douche. Douching can actually upset the normal vaginal Ph and thus change the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. And it may actually be one of the causes why you got the infection in the first place. Our bodies are incredible beings that often times works on its own to keep itself healthy and safe and the vagina is no exception. It is a self-cleaning organ so regular douching really is not necessary.