- Castor oil is the oil of the castor seed, and is a native of India, where it is known by its Sanskrit name of "Eranda."
- According to botanical.com, castor oil, which is often used for relief of the symptoms of constipation, can also be used as a topical aid for conditions such as ringworm or occasionally itchy skin.
- Castor oil mixed with juice is referred to as a "midwife cocktail." As claimed in birthingnaturally.com, it can effectively bring on contractions of the uterus in much the same way it brings on contractions of the bowels.
- Alicia Huntley, CNM, MSN, claims that one of the dangers of using castor oil during pregnancy is that it can cause contractions so severe that it puts stress on the baby itself. Also, there is some belief that it can facilitate uterine rupture.
- David Barrere, M.D. is not a proponent of castor oil as a labor induction tool. He opines that using this method carries too much danger of dehydration and electrolyte malfunctions in the birthing woman as well as her child.
Labor Inducing Tool
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