Health & Medical Body building

Secrets to Gaining Weight

It comes as a surprise to many folks that some people might actually want to gain weight.
That's true.
Not everyone is obsessed with the idea of looking skinny.
A small minority is sick of being skinny and wimpy looking.
They want to look like normal humans not skeletons.
They want some flesh on their bony frames.
They want muscles and they want physique.
So how to gain weight? Weight gain and or losing it are not easy.
People are skinny or fat because of a number of factors including their genes, their eating habits and their basal metabolic rates(BMR).
It is not possible to change our genes or modify our basal metabolic rate.
But eating habits can surely be modified.
To increase your weight you need to eat.
If you have the habit of eating one bread toast in the morning and maybe munch on a salad in the afternoon and eat some soup for dinner then forget about adding on the pounds You need to eat calorie-rich foods that pack in the energy.
Nuts, fats, meats, desserts, dairy are calorie-rich foods.
You are more likely to gain weight if you plenty of these foods.
It takes 3500 to add one pound of weight.
So, if you have a target to gain one pound every week then you need up your calorie intake by 3500 calories in addition to what is needed for metabolic needs.
How do you calculate BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)? There is simple formula to calculate Resting Metabolic Rate(RMR) which is dependent on your age, height, weight and gender.
RMR = 10 times your weight in kg + 6.
25 times your height in cm - 5 times your age + z Z is standard number which is +5 for men and -161 for women.
Depending on whether you are sedentary, modest or moderate activity person the basal metabolic rate varies by a factor of 1.
2 to 1.
32 to 1.
55 Armed with these numbers it is easy for anyone to calculate their calorie intake.
That's right if your calorie-need for a day is 1500 calories then add 500 calories to your daily diet to gain one pound of weight per week.
This type of weight gain is easy to achieve and maintain.
Once you have gained your required weight go to maintenance level so you don't grow overweight.
Gaining and losing weight is simple maths and some common sense.
Some people might notpile on the pounds despite increasing their calorie intake.
Some cannot increase their intake as the just don't feel hungry enough to eat.
Such people should try to increase their activity levels which burns off calories and increases the need for food.
When they feel hungry they should eat healthy and calorie-dense foods.
This will not only help them to gain weight but also make eating food less of chore.
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