- 1). Drain the pool with a pump or siphon hose.
- 2). Use an appropriate screwdriver to remove plates for plumbing and accessories. Make a note of which screws are rusted and purchase replacements.
- 3). Remove the coping around the edge of the pool. The coping may be screwed or snapped into position depending on your specific pool.
- 4). Pull the liner out of the liner track. Cut into sections with a utility knife. Put the sections in plastic bags as you remove each section to reduce clean-up work later.
- 5). Inspect the pool frame for loose screws and tighten as needed. Check for sharp edges and cover sharp edges with at least two layers of duct tape.
- 6). Rake the sand level. Fill shallow spots and flatten high spots.
- 7). Inspect the cove at the base of the perimeter of the pool. If the cove was created with sand or soil, rebuild the cove by raking sand to create a 45-degree angle about 3 inches high around the perimeter of the pool. If the cove was created with cove sections, inspect the sections and replace as needed.
- 8). Place the new liner in the center of the pool and unfold. Adjust as needed to align the corner seams with the cove area at the edges of the pool. Pull the sides of the new liner up over the sides of the pool. Gently fold the excess of the new liner over the edge of the pool and check to see that the overhang is consistent all the way around the outside of the pool.
- 9). Begin filling the pool with water slowly. Adjust the liner as needed to keep the bottom seam in position against the cove. When there is approximately 4 inches of water in the pool, and the liner is secured in position on the pool floor by the weight of the water, the speed of filling can be increased or water can be pumped quickly with a delivery truck.
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Replace the plumbing plates as the water level increases. Put the plates on the cover in position, install and then cut the pool liner in the opening in the cover. - 11
Secure the pool liner to the pool by pressing into a beaded liner track or replace the coping to hold the liner in position.