- 1). Add “ay” to words that begin with a consonant. Move the first consonant to the end of word, then add the “ay” sound. When you speak Pig Latin, the word “book” is pronounced “ookbay” and “finally” is pronounced “inallyfay.”
- 2). Try a different approach with consonant clusters. Clusters are groups of consonants that form a syllable with no vowels between them. The consonant clusters in “treat” and “they” are “tr” and “th.” To change the words into Pig Latin, pronounce them as “eatray” and “eythay.”
- 3). Use “way” at the end of words that begin with vowels or vowel sounds. “Apple” becomes “appleway” and “every” becomes “everyway.”
- 4). Treat silent consonants the same way as vowels. Following the rule used for vowels and vowel sounds, “hour” becomes “hourway.” Depending on the geographic region, Pig Latin speakers may use “yay,” “day” or “hay” instead of “way.”
- 5). Decide how you will say compound words in Pig Latin. There are two ways to do this. The first way adds the “ay” sound at the end of the compound word, while the second way separates each part of the compound word, adding the “ay” sound at the end of each word. Using the first method, “campfire” would be pronounced “ampfirecay.” If you choose to use the second method, you will pronounce “campfire” as “ampcay irefay.”