Health & Medical Lose Weight

Foods That Burn Fat and Keep Those Nagging Hunger Pangs at Bay

There is a lot of hype these days about foods that burn fat.
This is due to the fact that different types of food have different effects on our metabolism.
The most significant effect is a result of how much energy our bodies expend in digesting our food and storing the energy thus derived.
The amount of energy our bodies use to break food down is referred to as the thermic effect of foods (TEF).
The amount of energy we use for this process is measured in calories just as the energy content of food we eat is measured in calories.
Hence, the concept of foods that burn fat is based on how high of a thermogenic kickback different foods give.
For example, researchers in a well controlled experiment tested the TEF in three meals by varying macronutrients.
The meals were high protein, high carbohydrate and high fat with each meal consisting of roughly 70% of these constituents.
There was little difference in the results between the high carbs and high fat.
The high protein meal, on the other hand, had a TEF almost 4 times as high as the others.
Given that we use roughly 30% of the caloric content of proteins to digest and store them that is pretty significant! Thus, at the top of the list of foods that burn fat we find: - Chicken breast which has about 9 grams of proteins per ounce - Milk, 1 cup - 8 grams - Peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons - 8 grams - Tuna is loaded with 7 grams per ounce - Pork loin or tenderloin gives 7 grams per ounce - Fish fillets or steaks contain 6 grams per ounce - Egg, Large - 6 grams protein This is just a short list of what could be called thermogenic foods in that they require significantly higher energy expenditure of our bodies to process.
For anyone who wants to get in shape and shed a few pounds these sorts of foods have to be staples in our culinary regime.
Another significant benefit was derived from the study.
Although there was no difference in the satiety of the high fat and high carbohydrate meals it was significantly higher in the high protein meal.
This means that not only does the high protein diet burn more fat it keeps you satisfied longer.
This means a double whammy in favor of losing weight.
Some foods that burn fat have the added bonus of keeping those hunger pangs away longer.
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