Picture this, when you walked into a caf or restaurant, the waitress address you by your name. Believe you would feel very please and respected. You would most likely visit the restaurant again. And the waitress in doing so is exhibiting the practice of customer satisfaction and retention.
In the online world, a semblance of customer satisfaction and retention can be achieved when you personalize your Autoresponder. The Autoresponder messages can be set up to address people by their first or last name or both.
The Autoresponder has a build in pre-program code for you to personalize the names. You just have to write the messages intended for the email recipient. For instance, your message could read as "Hi (code for first name). In this case, the person's first name will appear where the code is.
When the person receive your personalized email, it is very likely that he will open the email rather than deleting it. Personalizing emails is likely to improve the response rate, lest making more sales. The recipients will generally be more receptive to the contents of the email messages. When writing emails to send out to many people, you just need to write the main content message and using the codes, the recipient will receive the email and be addressed with his first name.
Before being able to personalize the emails, you should have collected names and email addresses through your Autoresponder from the opt-in list. Visitors to your website or squeeze page should have been enticed to fill out their first names and email addresses to receive the free ebooks or reports, access to membership sites or newsletters.
Picture another scenario. Have you ever receive email messages and deleted it without reading, thinking its content do not appeal to you? Or delete the emails as it looked unscripted. Reason being, you feel the email messages is not presentable and unprofessional.
So apart from personalizing your emails to recipients, do not forget to format the Autoresponder messages. When the recipient received the email messages with broken lines, one or two words on one line and eight to ten words on the next line. Or the message line extend very long across the entire screen, it makes the message difficult to read. It either exhibits the attitude of the sender as careless, not serious or unprofessional. The image the recipient perceives of the sender would be very much discounted. Much less should he ever to open the sender's email again.
Each Autoresponder operates differently. So you have to make an effort to read the instructions carefully to avoid sending messages with broken lines. As a general guide to proper email format for easy reading, you should not allow any line in your message to exceed 65 characters. This will prevent lines from breaking up and is achieved by hitting the enter key at the end of each 65 (or about) characters.
To ensure that your Autoresponder messages are delivered in the proper format, it is best to send the messages to yourself for test run. After proof read the messages to be free of errors, only then you can send to your list.
So, to ensure your Autoresponder messages have higher open rate, make an effort to personalize and format it correctly. Much as you do not want to receive poorly scripted messages, you should not copy the mistake.
Autoresponder messages when correctly done and without excessive exaggeration of contents, extol a sense of professionalism. Followers will readily accord the respect and be receptive to your messages.
In the online world, a semblance of customer satisfaction and retention can be achieved when you personalize your Autoresponder. The Autoresponder messages can be set up to address people by their first or last name or both.
The Autoresponder has a build in pre-program code for you to personalize the names. You just have to write the messages intended for the email recipient. For instance, your message could read as "Hi (code for first name). In this case, the person's first name will appear where the code is.
When the person receive your personalized email, it is very likely that he will open the email rather than deleting it. Personalizing emails is likely to improve the response rate, lest making more sales. The recipients will generally be more receptive to the contents of the email messages. When writing emails to send out to many people, you just need to write the main content message and using the codes, the recipient will receive the email and be addressed with his first name.
Before being able to personalize the emails, you should have collected names and email addresses through your Autoresponder from the opt-in list. Visitors to your website or squeeze page should have been enticed to fill out their first names and email addresses to receive the free ebooks or reports, access to membership sites or newsletters.
Picture another scenario. Have you ever receive email messages and deleted it without reading, thinking its content do not appeal to you? Or delete the emails as it looked unscripted. Reason being, you feel the email messages is not presentable and unprofessional.
So apart from personalizing your emails to recipients, do not forget to format the Autoresponder messages. When the recipient received the email messages with broken lines, one or two words on one line and eight to ten words on the next line. Or the message line extend very long across the entire screen, it makes the message difficult to read. It either exhibits the attitude of the sender as careless, not serious or unprofessional. The image the recipient perceives of the sender would be very much discounted. Much less should he ever to open the sender's email again.
Each Autoresponder operates differently. So you have to make an effort to read the instructions carefully to avoid sending messages with broken lines. As a general guide to proper email format for easy reading, you should not allow any line in your message to exceed 65 characters. This will prevent lines from breaking up and is achieved by hitting the enter key at the end of each 65 (or about) characters.
To ensure that your Autoresponder messages are delivered in the proper format, it is best to send the messages to yourself for test run. After proof read the messages to be free of errors, only then you can send to your list.
So, to ensure your Autoresponder messages have higher open rate, make an effort to personalize and format it correctly. Much as you do not want to receive poorly scripted messages, you should not copy the mistake.
Autoresponder messages when correctly done and without excessive exaggeration of contents, extol a sense of professionalism. Followers will readily accord the respect and be receptive to your messages.