- 1). Pull out any existing nails or picture holders that might get in the way of the storage cubes. Use a claw hammer to pull the hardware out from the wall.
- 2). Mark the location of the studs. Use a stud finder and mark the walls lightly with a pencil where the studs are standing. You can use a thin trim nail by pounding it through the dry wall in several areas until you hit a wooden stud. Since builders place most wall studs 16 inches from each other, measure to approximate the location of the next stud.
- 3). Measure the width of the wall to find out how many storage cubes you need to use, depending on the size of the cubes. Try to find a size that will fit the wall dimensions evenly.
- 4). Set the bottom row of storage cubes in place, snug against the wall. Screw through the frame of the cube into the wall studs using a wood screw that is long enough to go through the frame of the cube, through the drywall and at least 1/2 inch into the wall stud. In cubes with no wall studs behind them, screw them with small wood screws to each other through the sides, after drilling smaller pilot holes to keep from splitting the wood.
- 5). Stack the second layer over the first layer of cubes. Anchor them to the wall in the same way, screwing through the frame into the wall studs or to each other. You can stack the cubes alternately if you want to create half spaces between the cubes.
- 6). Continue stacking the cubes until they are as high as you like. Anchor each cube to the wall or to another cube so that there is no chance of their falling. Leave a space at the top of the cubicles for storing odd-sized items.