Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Birth Defect Risks

"Products Derived From Natural Organic Resources That Can Free Your Home Of Harmful Chemicals And Eliminate The Risk Of Your Unborn Baby Being Born With Life Threatening Birth Defects.
" Studies show that pregnant women who are conscientious about what goes into their bodies and who look for chemical free products and are financially equipped to be able to make healthy choices are less likely to put their unborn fetus at risk of being born with birth defects.
Pregnant women exposed to poison toxins are more likely to give birth to babies with multiple birth defects.
Studies have revealed that stay at home pregnant women or moms who are exposed to products with toxic chemicals are more likely to miscarry, give birth to still born babies, cause birth defects such as blindness, brain damage, various forms of cancer, respiratory problems or pre-mature births, than those who are in the work field.
Among the number one causes are the lack of healthy nutrients and exposure to contaminants.
Researchers, argument is that exposure to toxic chemicals while in the mothers womb or early in life, may be the leading cause of neurobehavioral defects, and are affecting millions of children all over the world.
The chemicals travel through the umbilical cord to the mother's womb and park in the most vulnerable member of the body, "The Brain.
" A few tips to combat birth defects are to eat a well balanced non-fatty diet, plenty of fruits and vegetables making sure that they are washed clean of pesticides, avoid alcoholic beverages, potentially hazardous drugs, and avoid exposure to harmful chemicals can afford less risk of birth defects.
The problem is that pregnant teens who are mentally and financially unprepared and women of less financial means feel that products that are derived from natural organic resources are too expensive and less effective than what they are currently using.
When, it's the complete opposite, natural organic resources are highly concentrated, meaning that a family of four can spend up to one hundred dollars a month on grocery and department store brands, even if you buy the cheaper brands.
A question you must ask yourself is, what kind of health problems might the chemicals that are in these products cause? Where as products derived from real natural organic resources for the same number of people in the same time frame, could last (depending on your family usage) one whole month or more, saving you money or giving you the opportunity to try some products you have not experienced yet.
But, Because of false advertising of the effectiveness of many products and their safety, ordinary people miss out on the opportunity to provide themselves and their love ones a healthy and safe Lifestyle free of poison toxins.
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