- 1). Insert lifts into shoes. Shoe lifts are made of gel, plastic or other material and are placed inside shoes to add bulk inside the shoe, making the wearer look taller. Shoe inserts may be available at some grocery stores, health stores or through websites such as BuyShoeInserts.com or GoodFeet.com.
- 2). Buy shoes with thick heels, such as wedge shoes or shoes with cork heels. The larger and/or higher the heel, the taller the shoe will appear. The individual wearing the shoe will look taller as well.
- 3). Purchase elevator shoes, which are shoes with concealed inserts that make the person wearing the shoes appear to be taller. Websites that offer elevator shoes include IncreasingShoes.com and GetTallerShoes.com.
- 4). Place soft items inside regular shoes to add height to the shoe. Soft, clean socks or folded up neckties fit inside most closed shoes and will usually add a few inches of height.
- 5). Take shoes to a shoe repair store and request that they add height to the shoe. This is usually accomplished by adding material to the heels and/or soles of the shoe to increase total shoe height.