There is a scripture verse which defines a period of times, a dispensation of time which is all compassing, inclusive of time, yet, distinct in it's own time, but, definitive time.
We read in Ephesian 1:10 That in the dispensation of the "fullness of times" (plural) he might gather together all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: This verse speaks of the "fullness of times" all things will gather together in Christ.
I believe this verse pulls together the "Covenant" promises of God and Christ, first and foremost God's covenant with the Hebrew people, Israel, second and not least Christ's covenant with the Gentile people, His Church.
When we examine time many do so as a linear reference to where we exist today.
God does not operate on a linear line, He exists and functions on a continuum circle of time, allowing history to repeat itself, knowing the beginning from the end.
In the natural we examine time on a straight line, point A-B-C-D etc.
This places man in an exact moment of time, starting and stopping before moving from one event into another.
God, the creator of all things does not.
Of course we live in the natural, time ticks by second by second by second each and everyday.
We live within time, so we look at the world through the "second-hand" of time, naturally, but, when we speak of Godly things we should examine time as He does, as a continuum of time or "circular time".
Example: Many reading this today may not understand the two covenant promise, one from God, and one from Christ.
God's covenant began with Abram and went dormant with Christ's death, burial and resurrection.
His covenant was not completed, it was stopped.
When Christ rose from the dead and seated Himself at the right hand of the father His covenant with the gentiles (Church) started.
If time was linear (straight line) and operated from point A-B-C then the two covenants would never align themselves and move through time together, but, they do today, actually they aligned up and have been moving together since 1948 when Israel was re-birthed as a nation.
The covenant between God and Abraham actually went dormant in 70 A.
D when the Roman Army invaded Israel and destroyed Jerusalem, scattering the Hebrews for 1900+ years.
Christ's covenant began in 33 at His resurrection and moved with God's covenant until 70 A.
Once Jerusalem was destroyed Christ's covenant moved forward until 1948 then aligned back up with God's covenant and the two covenants continue today as Israel and The Church.
If time was linear, God's covenant would have ceased to exist in 70A.
D and Israel could not and would not have been re-birthed in 1948.
Let me try to explain my point this way: God and Abrams Covenant on linear time would have stopped here in 70A.
D!!! Christ's Covenant began here in 33 and continues today, where along the linear timeline would the two have aligned back up and began to move together fulfilling both promises? I believe the covenants could not have aligned back up on a linear timeline because there would be a gap of 1900 years.
Covenant stopped here in 70 A.
D-1900 yr.
Gap-Covenant re-started in 1948.
Christ's covenant started here in 33 and continued through the 1948 re-birth of Israel and continues moving towards the "catching away" of the Church.
Now, if we move the two covenants onto a CIRCLE (mentally, spiritually) and there is no gap the two covenants run continuously, and move into a primary or secondary position along the continuum of time, never leaving a gap, never ceasing to exist, never abandoning history, always allowing history to repeat itself.
I bet you would run into yourself on a "hamster wheel" before you would if you just ran like "Forest Gump".
History cannot repeat itself on a linear line, it can only repeat itself if time continues on a circular continuum.
In the natural sense from a singular perspective we perceive time running linear.
I get up, make coffee, go to bathroom, drink coffee, brush teeth, put on pants, put on socks, put on shoes, yes, all linear events in the natural.
I start one, finish, start another, finish, start another.
The sad reality is: We view God in this way as well, and too many view the Bible prophets this way.
God does not operate this way, neither does the spiritual realm, it moves continuously never starting or finishing, constantly moving time(s) until the fulfillment of all the scripture, the new heaven and new earth.
Now to the main point of this posting: A Hebrew generation according to the Biblical record is a period of 40 years, of course generations overlap.
A gentile generation according to genealogists is a period of 50 years, overlapping as well.
God's fulfillment of His promise to Israel's rebirth began in 1948 (keep covenant) but was completed in 1967 when Israeli forces captured Jerusalem.
This is a generational point in time.
The generation born in this year should witness great prophetic fulfillment if God and Christ are covenant keepers.
In 1967 all gentile presence within Israel was removed, economically, militarily, and politically, the Israelites where in complete control of their country and destiny and this continues today.
In using 1967 as a fulfilled promise of God and keeping the two covenants in mind we should be able to establish a time (s) period of great prophetic movement.
I contend we can.
When we add 40 years to 1967 (Hebrew generation) it brings us to 2007.
When we add 50 years to 1967 (Gentile generation) it brings us to 2017.
I believe we are in a period of time 2007-2017 of great prophetic movement, of course if you are in the Bible you already know this to be true.
The prophetic words of Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel.
John, Matthew, Paul etc.
are jumping off the pages the past 6 years and will continue for the next 4 years.
The two Covenants continue today.
I believe America will continue to deteriorate under the Obama administration.
I believe America must diminish politically, economically and militarily for the anti-Christ leader / church to emerge and fulfill the prophetic word.
A strong Judeo-Christian America would never allow evil to emerge and overcome the world.
A Muslim led America will usher in evil and build the foundation for the anti-Christ leader / church.
What should be expected over next 3-4 years? My opinion: readings of prophecy.
The middle east strengthening, borders collapsing, caliphate emerging.
Civil unrest 2015-2016 as financial markets crash, potentially bankrupting world banks.
Oil markets collapsing, sending prices above 125.
00 a barrel.
Tension increasing among racial lines, especially in America where racial agitators are aggressively active.
Major natural disaster in America due to Judeo-Christians being unrepentant and not defending the things of God, marriage, unborn, etc.
Martial Law within major cities across America by 2017-2018.
Potentially a third term for President Barak Hussein Obama.
Time will tell!! Welcome to the Revelation!!
We read in Ephesian 1:10 That in the dispensation of the "fullness of times" (plural) he might gather together all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: This verse speaks of the "fullness of times" all things will gather together in Christ.
I believe this verse pulls together the "Covenant" promises of God and Christ, first and foremost God's covenant with the Hebrew people, Israel, second and not least Christ's covenant with the Gentile people, His Church.
When we examine time many do so as a linear reference to where we exist today.
God does not operate on a linear line, He exists and functions on a continuum circle of time, allowing history to repeat itself, knowing the beginning from the end.
In the natural we examine time on a straight line, point A-B-C-D etc.
This places man in an exact moment of time, starting and stopping before moving from one event into another.
God, the creator of all things does not.
Of course we live in the natural, time ticks by second by second by second each and everyday.
We live within time, so we look at the world through the "second-hand" of time, naturally, but, when we speak of Godly things we should examine time as He does, as a continuum of time or "circular time".
Example: Many reading this today may not understand the two covenant promise, one from God, and one from Christ.
God's covenant began with Abram and went dormant with Christ's death, burial and resurrection.
His covenant was not completed, it was stopped.
When Christ rose from the dead and seated Himself at the right hand of the father His covenant with the gentiles (Church) started.
If time was linear (straight line) and operated from point A-B-C then the two covenants would never align themselves and move through time together, but, they do today, actually they aligned up and have been moving together since 1948 when Israel was re-birthed as a nation.
The covenant between God and Abraham actually went dormant in 70 A.
D when the Roman Army invaded Israel and destroyed Jerusalem, scattering the Hebrews for 1900+ years.
Christ's covenant began in 33 at His resurrection and moved with God's covenant until 70 A.
Once Jerusalem was destroyed Christ's covenant moved forward until 1948 then aligned back up with God's covenant and the two covenants continue today as Israel and The Church.
If time was linear, God's covenant would have ceased to exist in 70A.
D and Israel could not and would not have been re-birthed in 1948.
Let me try to explain my point this way: God and Abrams Covenant on linear time would have stopped here in 70A.
D!!! Christ's Covenant began here in 33 and continues today, where along the linear timeline would the two have aligned back up and began to move together fulfilling both promises? I believe the covenants could not have aligned back up on a linear timeline because there would be a gap of 1900 years.
Covenant stopped here in 70 A.
D-1900 yr.
Gap-Covenant re-started in 1948.
Christ's covenant started here in 33 and continued through the 1948 re-birth of Israel and continues moving towards the "catching away" of the Church.
Now, if we move the two covenants onto a CIRCLE (mentally, spiritually) and there is no gap the two covenants run continuously, and move into a primary or secondary position along the continuum of time, never leaving a gap, never ceasing to exist, never abandoning history, always allowing history to repeat itself.
I bet you would run into yourself on a "hamster wheel" before you would if you just ran like "Forest Gump".
History cannot repeat itself on a linear line, it can only repeat itself if time continues on a circular continuum.
In the natural sense from a singular perspective we perceive time running linear.
I get up, make coffee, go to bathroom, drink coffee, brush teeth, put on pants, put on socks, put on shoes, yes, all linear events in the natural.
I start one, finish, start another, finish, start another.
The sad reality is: We view God in this way as well, and too many view the Bible prophets this way.
God does not operate this way, neither does the spiritual realm, it moves continuously never starting or finishing, constantly moving time(s) until the fulfillment of all the scripture, the new heaven and new earth.
Now to the main point of this posting: A Hebrew generation according to the Biblical record is a period of 40 years, of course generations overlap.
A gentile generation according to genealogists is a period of 50 years, overlapping as well.
God's fulfillment of His promise to Israel's rebirth began in 1948 (keep covenant) but was completed in 1967 when Israeli forces captured Jerusalem.
This is a generational point in time.
The generation born in this year should witness great prophetic fulfillment if God and Christ are covenant keepers.
In 1967 all gentile presence within Israel was removed, economically, militarily, and politically, the Israelites where in complete control of their country and destiny and this continues today.
In using 1967 as a fulfilled promise of God and keeping the two covenants in mind we should be able to establish a time (s) period of great prophetic movement.
I contend we can.
When we add 40 years to 1967 (Hebrew generation) it brings us to 2007.
When we add 50 years to 1967 (Gentile generation) it brings us to 2017.
I believe we are in a period of time 2007-2017 of great prophetic movement, of course if you are in the Bible you already know this to be true.
The prophetic words of Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel.
John, Matthew, Paul etc.
are jumping off the pages the past 6 years and will continue for the next 4 years.
The two Covenants continue today.
I believe America will continue to deteriorate under the Obama administration.
I believe America must diminish politically, economically and militarily for the anti-Christ leader / church to emerge and fulfill the prophetic word.
A strong Judeo-Christian America would never allow evil to emerge and overcome the world.
A Muslim led America will usher in evil and build the foundation for the anti-Christ leader / church.
What should be expected over next 3-4 years? My opinion: readings of prophecy.
The middle east strengthening, borders collapsing, caliphate emerging.
Civil unrest 2015-2016 as financial markets crash, potentially bankrupting world banks.
Oil markets collapsing, sending prices above 125.
00 a barrel.
Tension increasing among racial lines, especially in America where racial agitators are aggressively active.
Major natural disaster in America due to Judeo-Christians being unrepentant and not defending the things of God, marriage, unborn, etc.
Martial Law within major cities across America by 2017-2018.
Potentially a third term for President Barak Hussein Obama.
Time will tell!! Welcome to the Revelation!!