Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Complete Review of Blogging to the Bank 3.0

I recently purchased Robert Benwell's product Blogging to the Bank 3.
0 which is the third release of the Blogging to the Bank series.
I must say that I was pretty impressed by the amount of information and bonuses that are included with this product.
Ben starts out in his book talking about the different changes from BTTB and BTTB3.
He then introduces his blogging blueprint that he used to earn over $90,480 per month with his blog.
Here is the basics outline of the different chapters discussed in the book.
- Market Research & Keyphrase Lists - Domains & Hosting - Creating Your Blog - Optimizing Your Blog - Content - Promotion & Backlinks - Advanced SEO Techniques - Web 2.
0 Strategies - Outsourcing & Building Your Blog Empire In these chapters Ben goes into great detail about what products he uses, the sites he goes to, the techniques he uses, everything that he used to make an extra $90,480 per month is listed step by step in this book.
I personally really liked how the wording and the information given was very basic and was very easy to follow.
The part that I found most helpful about this book were the bonus chapters that he included in the book.
These chapters include: -Getting Your Blog Indexed Within 24 Hours -How To Get Thousands Of Link For Free -The Sneaky Theme Sponsor Trick These chapters offer great little tips and tricks that will help your blog page rank, and traffic flow increase significantly, especially if it is a newer blog.
This book really will help you to understand blogging, and how to make money with your blog.
Along with his Blogging to the Bank 3.
0 book, Ben provides you with free software that will allow you to automatically submit your articles to over 100 article directories, as well as software that will automatically tell a ton of different websites every time your blog is updated.
This will help you to get noticed really quickly by the search engines.
There is also another bonus book that comes packaged in the deal called the affiliate conspiracy, this book is a fantastic resource if you are selling affiliate products on your website.
This book goes through and talks about how to set your website up so that it becomes an AMM(automatic money machine), and shows you how to pick the best products, and how to market these products to make a ton of money.
There are also a few other traffic building, SEO, and blogging tips that have been bundled with this product, that will further help you with any questions you may have.
Lastly Ben has included a bunch of free pre-made blogging materials from different niches that you can use to start a blog or use on an existing blog.
These materials consist of graphics and pre-written articles.
All in all this is a very decent product that provides a ton of great tips and information that is perfect for anybody wanting to learn how to monetize their blog(s).
This product has been bundled with almost an absurd amount of bonus products and software.
In my opinion Blogging to the Bank 3.
0 alone is worth more than this, let alone the other 4 bonuses you receive bundled with it.
I would definitely recommend this product to any beginner or intermediate affiliate marketer, or even anybody that wants to start making money with their blog.
It is a great product at a remarkable price.
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