Health & Medical Body building

How to Get Ripped Fast? The Best 3 Muscle Gaining Workouts

Wondering how to get ripped fast? There is a common myth going around that you need to spend hours on muscle gaining workouts to achieve results.
This simply isn't true.
When you do the right workouts and do them the correct way, you can achieve your goals very quickly.
A common myth you need to avoid...
High repetition workouts do NOT build muscle...
help you jump higher...
run faster...
or gain power at all.
the only thing they will accomplish is help you maintain sub-par performance for a longer period of time.
Examples of this would be running a marathon...
doing a triathlon...
or any kind of long distance activity Obviously, there's nothing wrong with any of these events...
but training for them won't help you build more power.
How do you get stronger? By increasing your force and velocity.
This is why lifting a lot of weight as quickly as you can is the way to become more powerful.
What are the 3 best workouts? Squats...
and bench presses.
No other workouts will get you the results these 3 do.
So how many reps should you do to get ripped fast? Some people recommend around 10 but even this is too high.
5-8 is a good number for muscle gaining workouts.
This helps you lift as much weight as you possibly can and focus more on speed and intensity...
both key factors in increasing your athletic power.
Should you go to the point of failure? It depends on that your goals are.
If you just want to improve your physique and develop 6 pack abs now, then this is excellent...
but if you want to get stronger AND improve your appearance then you should not.
If you do then make sure to only do each exercise for 1 set because you won't have anything left in the tank for a second.
What's the best way to increase your strength? You should do each exercise for 5 sets of 5-8 reps, and make sure you lift a heavy amount of weight.
Don't go to the point of failure.
A good rule of thumb is to stop when you feel like you can do 1 more set.
This will help you be ready for the next set.
Don't forget...
You need to have a good reason for wanting to make 6 pack abs...
or simply get stronger faster.
Without this you will not achieve you goals.
If you lack this then when the going gets tough (and it will) you will need something that pushes you through.
Not many people enjoy getting home from work and going to the gym, but if you have a solid reason for doing so then you are far more likely to succeed with muscle gaining workouts.
This is how to get ripped fast.
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