- 1). Look at the Wedgie's face: it should have a sweet expression and sweet almond-shaped eyes. This cat has a face which is shaped as a equilateral triangle with a strong chin. The ears are medium to large in size.
- 2). Touch the coat of the cat. It should extremely soft and silky as it is a double coat. There may be tufts of hair at the tips of the ears and tufts of hair growing from between the toes. There can be thick, long hair growing from inside the ears. Notice the heavy mane of hair growing around the head, neck and shoulders.
- 3). Pick up the cat and notice the weight and the sturdy, muscular body. The tail is bushy and full and can be 12 inches long on some Norwegian Forest cats. Ideally the tail should be the same length as the body.
- 1). Examine the Maine Coon Cat's face: it should have be well-appointed and balanced with no one exaggerated feature.The eyes are an open, oval shape. On the tabbies of the Maine Coon line, the frown lines between the eyes form the letter "M" as in "Maine." The ears are large in size and taper to the top.
- 2). Touch the coat of the cat. It should be silky and fall straight. It is a a shaggy coat, and some cats have a ruffle of fur at the chest.There may be tufts of hair at the tips of the ears.The feet appear rounded and well-tufted.
- 3). Pick up the cat and notice the weight and the sturdy, muscular body. The tail is bushy and full can be "barred" or appear to have rings like a raccoon.
The "Wedgie"
The Maine Coon Cat