- 1). Determine your own IP address. Click "Start," "Run," then type in "CMD" and press "Enter." This loads a black command window onto your desktop. Type in "ipconfig" and press "Enter." This gives you your IP address.
- 2). Look on the bottom of your wireless router for its HTTP address. Type in this full address into the URL bar of your Internet browser and press "Enter."
- 3). Type in any password you have set up on the wireless network and press "Enter." (If you are concerned about individuals mooching the Internet connection, you probably don't have a password in place.)
- 4). Select the "Log" option, then choose "Outgoing Log." This shows all the IP addresses used to connect to the wireless network. All of the IP addresses should be your computer. If one is not, you know someone else has been using your Internet connection.
- 5). Select the "Setup" option in the window, then type in a new password. This changes the password on the wireless network and prevents unauthorized users from stealing your Internet connection.