- 1). Park your Accord where there's ample space to work on the engine. Power on the engine, but turn off all accessories, including the air conditioning, heater and radio.
- 2). Exit the car and put wheel chocks under the front and back tires of your car. Engage the emergency brake and put the transmission in neutral. Take the engine to a warm idle speed of about 750 rpm by pressing on the gas.
- 3). Exit the vehicle with the emergency brake firmly applied and open the hood. Turn the fast idle speed mode of your engine on by turning on the idle speed control that can be found in the distributor by removing the cap.
- 4). Attach the timing light to the battery by placing the red clip on the positive terminal first, and the black clip on the negative terminal second. Attach the timing light clamps to the spark plug wire labeled No. 1 that is connected to the cylinder head. Shine the actual timing light on the pulley connected to the main crankshaft. The crankshaft is a part of the engine connected to the flywheel and pistons.
- 5). Observe the timing mark on the pulley and compare it to the degree tab on the front of your engine to see what is the current ignition timing. If you are satisfied with the current ignition timing, you can end the project. If not, proceed to the next step.
- 6). Use your wrench to loosen the distributor lock-down bolt located at the base of the distributor housing, then disconnect the distributor vacuum hose from the distributor housing. Be careful not to disconnect any other vacuum hoses. Plug the distributor vacuum hose into the electronic spark computer. Ground the carburetor switch with jumper cable by placing the red clamps on the switch and the black clamps on the ground.
- 7). Rotate the distributor with your hand until the timing mark on the pulley falls to the ignition time you want -- 12 to 18 degrees is generally recommended.
- 8). Unplug the distributor vacuum hose from the electronic spark computer and reconnect it into the distributor housing. Tighten the lock-down bolt with your wrench and turn off the idle speed control. Remove the timing light components from the engine, the jumper cables from the carburetor switch, and close the hood. Put your transmission in park and remove the wheel chocks from your tires.