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Noah and the Ark Bible Story Lessons

    A Lesson on Major Points of the Story

    • The entire story of Noah's ark is told in three chapters in the book of Genesis. If you plan to teach this lesson in a single session, you will need to focus on the major points of the story. First, Noah was a "righteous man," unlike most of mankind. Second, God planned to destroy the entire world in a flood and to spare only the righteous. Third, Noah was obedient and built the ark and filled it with animals according to God's instructions. Fourth, God sent rain for 40 days and nights. Fifth, when the flood waters subsided, God sent the first rainbow as a promise He would never again destroy the world with a flood.

    A Lesson on Righteousness vs. Wickedness

    • A major point in the story of Noah's Ark is that God was going to destroy the entire earth in a worldwide flood. It's important to explain why God had decided to do this. The Bible said that humanity had grown so completely evil that God regretted even creating mankind. However, God took care of the few righteous people on the earth by providing a way for them to survive. Make sure to distinguish between wickedness and righteousness and to point out that God did not hate people. He hated their sins and made a way of escape for those willing to obey Him.

    A Lesson on the Animals

    • The animals of the ark are the lighter side of Noah's story. God instructed Noah to take pairs of every kind of animal living on the earth. An interactive Bible lesson for children could include a discussion of what kinds of animals they can imagine were on the ark. They could then draw pictures of Noah and his family selecting various animals.

    A Lesson on the Covenant

    • The Bible says that after the flood waters receded, God laid out some specific criteria that the survivors were to live by. He put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of the covenant He was making to never again destroy the earth with a flood. A Bible lesson on this aspect of Noah's story could include a discussion about rainbows and an explanation of what the word "covenant" means. A Bible lesson for younger children can include making a rainbow as a craft project.

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