Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Trying to Conceive - How to Handle the Highs and Lows of Getting Pregnant

Trying to conceive is a time filled with many highs and lows.
This is true especially if pregnancy doesn't happen right away.
What emotions can you expect from the tying to conceive roller coaster? How do you deal with these emotions? I have had every conceivable emotion related to trying to conceive and can give you a heads up on what to expect and some ideas to help the ride go a little smoother.
Deciding to start a family is an exciting time.
You and your husband are joyful with the idea of becoming pregnant and having a little baby in the next nine months.
If you decide to let your family know you are trying to conceive, the excitement builds even more.
People start giving you advice, you start to plan the baby's room, and start to come up with possible names.
Many women think it will happen right away and they won't be one of the women who has problems getting pregnant.
Most women don't know that a healthy, young, fertile couple has only a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month.
Shame, confusion, anger, sadness, and failure are some of the emotions a woman might experience when she does not have success right away.
If you are feeling this now, don't give up.
Keep reading.
I have a few ideas that might help you.
Often, women who have difficulty conceiving feel like they are the only one to go through this.
Just do an internet search on "difficulty conceiving" and you'll see just how many women are going through this at the same time as you.
There are many "trying to conceive" forums that help you to connect to other women who are in the same situation.
Having a support group gives you the opportunity to share with others, cry with others, complain when you have a bad day, and celebrate successes.
When a woman goes to an OB/GYN, she may not get the answers she is looking for.
Unfortunately, many doctors that women first visit are not able to pursue more aggressive treatments.
Our outlook had gone downhill after 7 months of trying Clomid without any success.
Recently, we decided to see a specialist and our excitement returned.
The knowledge that all of our tests have come back with good results helps us to be optimistic about our chances of getting pregnant.
Sometimes, you will have to take the chance of spending more money to see a specialist.
Bible studies on infertility can help you relate to other women who had difficulties getting pregnant and help you to turn to God with your frustrations.
There are many infertility related bible studies available.
You may also find women at your church who have gone through the same thing you are going through.
Turn to others to help you deal with your pain.
Whatever you are feeling right now, know that there are others who are going through something similar to you.
You are not the only one.
Having hope that you will someday be a parent may be the thing that keeps you going and helps you to achieve your dreams of having a baby.
Good luck!
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