If you have a blog, attracting new visitors and also to keep exciting readers to stick to your blog are very important in sustaining the traffic.
Many of the studies reveal that any average blog viewer goes through around a page and a half every time he visits a blog.
The more number of pages the reader reads the more popular you become.
So what do you have to do to attain this? Related posts: this is one of the best ways to make the readers read more number of pages in any given blog.
Highlight all the posts which are related to the same topic.
Anybody would feel interested to read more on the topic.
Link within a post: This is also something similar to the above.
This is a method where you highlight the relevant post within the existing content for the post.
Come up with a list: prepare a list of all the best posts.
This helps the reader to go to the creamy part of the blog easily.
Sort by category: this is one more way of directing the reader to more of your posts in the blog.
You can place all the posts that are related to a particular topic and place them at a place so that the reader can directly go there and read them.
Plan a series of posts: In order to get your readers back every now and then, plan a series of posts.
This will make the reader constantly in proximity.
Be very interactive.
Make your blog more of a get together than a boring set of articles.
A blog should never be just a place of information or just opinions.
It is more a place that people should enjoy coming and in future it should make them feel it a part of their life.
So making your blog an integral part of life for the reader is the main aspect that plays an important role in making your blog popular and also in bringing you more business.
If your blog is popular you will open unlimited opportunities to earn money through it.
Firstly you can get some ads to place on the blog.
This will generate some revenue.
Secondly you can sell a product or a service to your readers if you have a lot of them.
Thirdly you can also start taking up writing assignments for other blogs.
This way it helps a lot to increase the page views of a blog.
Many of the studies reveal that any average blog viewer goes through around a page and a half every time he visits a blog.
The more number of pages the reader reads the more popular you become.
So what do you have to do to attain this? Related posts: this is one of the best ways to make the readers read more number of pages in any given blog.
Highlight all the posts which are related to the same topic.
Anybody would feel interested to read more on the topic.
Link within a post: This is also something similar to the above.
This is a method where you highlight the relevant post within the existing content for the post.
Come up with a list: prepare a list of all the best posts.
This helps the reader to go to the creamy part of the blog easily.
Sort by category: this is one more way of directing the reader to more of your posts in the blog.
You can place all the posts that are related to a particular topic and place them at a place so that the reader can directly go there and read them.
Plan a series of posts: In order to get your readers back every now and then, plan a series of posts.
This will make the reader constantly in proximity.
Be very interactive.
Make your blog more of a get together than a boring set of articles.
A blog should never be just a place of information or just opinions.
It is more a place that people should enjoy coming and in future it should make them feel it a part of their life.
So making your blog an integral part of life for the reader is the main aspect that plays an important role in making your blog popular and also in bringing you more business.
If your blog is popular you will open unlimited opportunities to earn money through it.
Firstly you can get some ads to place on the blog.
This will generate some revenue.
Secondly you can sell a product or a service to your readers if you have a lot of them.
Thirdly you can also start taking up writing assignments for other blogs.
This way it helps a lot to increase the page views of a blog.