- 1). Survey the land around your house to locate the highest land. You need to know which way the water comes from. For example, if the ground slopes upward as you walk out your back door, the backside of your foundation receives the most water.
- 2). Dig a trench 2-feet deep by 6-inches wide that wraps around three sides of your home, leaving the lowest elevation untouched. For example, if the back of your house has the highest ground, dig the trench along the back and both sides of the house. Dig the trench approximately 5 feet away from your foundation.
- 3). Tamp the bottom of the trench with a tamper to harden the ground in the trench.
- 4). Place a drainage pipe with holes facing the bottom into the trench. Apply PVC glue to the ends of the pipe and attach elbows onto each end of the pipe. Apply PVC glue to the inside of the elbows and connect the other drainage pipes to the elbows.
- 5). Cover the drainage pipe with washed river gravel until the gravel is within 1 inch of the ground surface.
- 6). Back fill the trench with dirt. Tamp the dirt in place with a tamper and then reseed the dirt with grass seed.