Making a blog for free! Sounds interesting? Right? Well many people always dream to blog for free so here we will discus some sites offering free blogs.
So here we go, there are many sites but in all of these sites, there are two sites whose services are far better than others and they are Blogger.
com and WordPress.
They provide free domain and unlimited hosting.
About millions of people have created their blog through these two, but in my opinion blogger is better than WordPress.
Everything has some advantages and disadvantages too.
But using blogger from 2 years I can say this - Blogger has very less disadvantages in front of its advantages.
So lets discus their features! First starting with Advantages:
Just click the blogger template button above.
] Now its time for Disadvantages:
If you are thinking after making your free blog popular you would easy move your blog to self-hosted one then you are wrong, as moving blog from blogger or WordPress to self-hosted one may result you in losing your blog pagerank and traffic.
So here we go, there are many sites but in all of these sites, there are two sites whose services are far better than others and they are Blogger.
com and WordPress.
They provide free domain and unlimited hosting.
About millions of people have created their blog through these two, but in my opinion blogger is better than WordPress.
Everything has some advantages and disadvantages too.
But using blogger from 2 years I can say this - Blogger has very less disadvantages in front of its advantages.
So lets discus their features! First starting with Advantages:
- Absolutely free domain and unlimited hosting.
- These blogs easy rank well in major search engines like Google.
- They allow you to put ads on your blog so that you can earn from your blogs.
- Advertising programs like chitika, adbrite, kontera etc accept these blogs.
- Creating AdSense account become more easier through blogger blog.
- Easy to maintain and user-friendly.
- You can easily get lots of professional looking free themes and templates.
Just click the blogger template button above.
] Now its time for Disadvantages:
- The blogs created through Blogger get their domain with .
com ending.
Like if your name is XYZ then you can create a blog whose domain would be like XYZ.
com {Note: This doesn't mean that you have to put your name in your domain, you can create anything like if you are creating a cricket blog then you can put cricket.
While WordPress ends with .
com. - Even if you are the owner of your blog but then also you don't have all the control in your hand as Blogger and WordPress has right to ban your site or can even delete it if you would break their rules.
- You will get less advertisers willing to advertise on your blog than self-hosted blogs {Note: Case will be different if you would have high traffic free blog}.
If you are thinking after making your free blog popular you would easy move your blog to self-hosted one then you are wrong, as moving blog from blogger or WordPress to self-hosted one may result you in losing your blog pagerank and traffic.