Why would you want to build your own cat tree? Let's see if this sounds familiar to you.
Your cats scratch on your furniture to pieces.
They break things when they climb on your entertainment center or jump from dresser to chest of drawers.
There are millions of little snags in your curtains from your lovable fur balls seeing who can get to the top first.
Oh, the joys of being owned by cats.
You know the solution is a cat condo for them to romp on.
Something that you can rub catnip into so it will be even more fun to climb on than YOUR STUFF! But most of the stuff you've seen is the wrong size, wrong color or just plain ugly.
And to add insult to injury the cost of cat tree furniture is insane these days.
Even a small kitty condo can run you several hundred dollars.
How will you afford it? But what if you build your own cat tree? What if you could make the perfect feline playground.
All the sofa scratching would end.
Long gone would be the days of cat's lounging on top of the TV or knocking your stuff off shelves so they've got room to stretch out.
With a good modular set of plans you could design the perfect feline playground.
One that exactly fits the space you have available.
If you build it yourself it will fit in perfectly with the decor of your home.
For example, if you live in a log cabin you can build a rustic cat tree.
Live in a sleek downtown high rise no worries...
build a lovely contemporary, curvy lotus OR a posh cat palm tree.
When you make your own cat tree the sky's the limit.
Your cats scratch on your furniture to pieces.
They break things when they climb on your entertainment center or jump from dresser to chest of drawers.
There are millions of little snags in your curtains from your lovable fur balls seeing who can get to the top first.
Oh, the joys of being owned by cats.
You know the solution is a cat condo for them to romp on.
Something that you can rub catnip into so it will be even more fun to climb on than YOUR STUFF! But most of the stuff you've seen is the wrong size, wrong color or just plain ugly.
And to add insult to injury the cost of cat tree furniture is insane these days.
Even a small kitty condo can run you several hundred dollars.
How will you afford it? But what if you build your own cat tree? What if you could make the perfect feline playground.
All the sofa scratching would end.
Long gone would be the days of cat's lounging on top of the TV or knocking your stuff off shelves so they've got room to stretch out.
With a good modular set of plans you could design the perfect feline playground.
One that exactly fits the space you have available.
If you build it yourself it will fit in perfectly with the decor of your home.
For example, if you live in a log cabin you can build a rustic cat tree.
Live in a sleek downtown high rise no worries...
build a lovely contemporary, curvy lotus OR a posh cat palm tree.
When you make your own cat tree the sky's the limit.