It has long been known by social scientist, yes they are actual scientists just ask them and get an ear full, that when large groups of humans get together in tight spaces such as high-rise apartment complexes, ships, or living in high density that their human behavior becomes somewhat erratic, unpredictable, and problematic.
And I'm not just picking on humans, this happens with rats as well.
Not only that, it happens in the insect world with swarming, locust plagues, and other phenomena.
It is common in nature, and humans are animals, and they are part of that natural environment.
Not long ago FOX News did a piece about gun violence in Chicago.
It turns out that on average they lose at least one-person to gun violence each day.
This shouldn't surprise anyone, during the times of major gang violence in Los Angeles with the Bloods and the Crips, the same thing was going on.
Today, and recently it seems there is gun violence everywhere - but before making any quick statements to that affect, consider that every single shooting seems to be making the paper these days - why? It's simple, because much of the media is left-leaning and on-board with an anti-gun agenda.
They have also conditioned their audiences to the believe that we need to take away guns from Americans to solve the problem, which is nonsense.
Indeed, all of this publicity on every little two-bit criminal shooter is only causing more acts of gun violence.
It is putting the idea into people's heads through mass media memory imprintation - turns out we can do the same thing with rats in a lab through stimulation and repetition.
Now then, now that I have given away my political persuasion, it is my belief that every citizen in the United States has the right to own a gun, perhaps we do need some gun laws but they should be for those who live in a high density environment where they are liable to do something really stupid due to their innate human characteristics, mental health challenges, and due to their socialistic political persuasions.
For those that live in a rural environment they should have different gun laws, specifically they should have no gun laws.
What New York, Chicago, and some of these other socialist left-leaning havens choose for their gun laws should have no bearing on the rest of the states, nor should the federal government determine an overall over-laying, and over-burdensome set of gun laws which restrict the rights of Americans.
Indeed I'd like you to please consider this topic for discussion perhaps it needs to be in a national discussion.
Perhaps it's time that those that live in these high density situations realize that they are a victim of their own attempts at Utopia Socialism building, and the rest of the country doesn't want any part of it.
Please consider all this and think on it.
And I'm not just picking on humans, this happens with rats as well.
Not only that, it happens in the insect world with swarming, locust plagues, and other phenomena.
It is common in nature, and humans are animals, and they are part of that natural environment.
Not long ago FOX News did a piece about gun violence in Chicago.
It turns out that on average they lose at least one-person to gun violence each day.
This shouldn't surprise anyone, during the times of major gang violence in Los Angeles with the Bloods and the Crips, the same thing was going on.
Today, and recently it seems there is gun violence everywhere - but before making any quick statements to that affect, consider that every single shooting seems to be making the paper these days - why? It's simple, because much of the media is left-leaning and on-board with an anti-gun agenda.
They have also conditioned their audiences to the believe that we need to take away guns from Americans to solve the problem, which is nonsense.
Indeed, all of this publicity on every little two-bit criminal shooter is only causing more acts of gun violence.
It is putting the idea into people's heads through mass media memory imprintation - turns out we can do the same thing with rats in a lab through stimulation and repetition.
Now then, now that I have given away my political persuasion, it is my belief that every citizen in the United States has the right to own a gun, perhaps we do need some gun laws but they should be for those who live in a high density environment where they are liable to do something really stupid due to their innate human characteristics, mental health challenges, and due to their socialistic political persuasions.
For those that live in a rural environment they should have different gun laws, specifically they should have no gun laws.
What New York, Chicago, and some of these other socialist left-leaning havens choose for their gun laws should have no bearing on the rest of the states, nor should the federal government determine an overall over-laying, and over-burdensome set of gun laws which restrict the rights of Americans.
Indeed I'd like you to please consider this topic for discussion perhaps it needs to be in a national discussion.
Perhaps it's time that those that live in these high density situations realize that they are a victim of their own attempts at Utopia Socialism building, and the rest of the country doesn't want any part of it.
Please consider all this and think on it.