Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Making a Peaceful Transition to Menopause

Women entering the menopausal stage of their lives often experience changes that are uncomfortable and such changes can leave a woman irritable and vulnerable. When a woman enters the early stages of menopause, it is advisable that she find ways to move into this phase of her life with the least amount of stress and discomfort as much as she possibly can. Some women believe that the discomfort and irritability that a woman experiences when she enters her menopausal years is unavoidable. This is not entirely true and there are ways for a woman to transition into menopause with ease and the least possible distress.

How to Deal With Menopause Gracefully

Menopause can bring about changes in a woman at the beginning of her middle ages and these changes can emerge as various symptoms. Although some women do not go through the same symptoms that other women experience, some actually go through a roller coaster of emotions and this can be very taxing on a woman especially if she gets very little moral and emotional support. There are ways for a woman to battle these symptoms even when she is alone and here are some of the ways a woman can cope with the hot and cold fluctuations that menopause brings:

Engaging in yoga. One of the ways that a woman can deal with the changes that menopause brings to her body and her psyche is to do yoga. The art of yoga can be learned through instructional videos, through books that can teach a woman the basic moves that most yoga aficionados use for relaxation, and through yoga classes that a woman can join in a nearby yoga gym.

Changing one's diet. Another way that a woman can ease herself gracefully into her menopausal years is to change her diet slowly but surely. Changes in a pre-menopausal or menopausal woman's diet can include an increase in the consumption of soy-based products. The isoflavones found in soy products are known to help a premenopausal and post-menopausal woman cope with symptoms by improving her insulin regulation, improving the health of her skin, nails, and hair as well as her bones. Isoflavones in soy products also help decrease the frequency of such discomforts like night sweats and hot flashes that come along with this stage in a woman's life. An increase in calcium intake is also another way for a woman to help ease herself into her menopausal years. Calcium also helps strengthen her bones for her golden years.

Meditation. While meditation is known to be a part of yoga and ayurvedic medicine, it is still an individual source of relief for women who suffer from premenopausal symptoms. Meditation can help a woman restore balance to her senses and to help her to cope with the many ups and downs of her moods. Mental imbalances are coped with and such symptoms like depression, irritability, and extreme moodiness can also be eased with the help of meditation. You can learn how to meditate from yoga gurus and yoga classes as well. You can also find literature on meditation from many books on the subject and from ayurvedic books.
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