Business & Finance: Getting Returns From The Share Market And Commodity Market

Getting Returns From The Share Market And Commodity Market

At the moment it is a blend of the positive performance of technology, FMCG, financial, metal, auto, and select healthcare companies that the Indian share market is exhibiting a bullish trend. Yet the 20,000 mark and 6,000 marks of the BSE sensex and nifty respectively are still far away.

Business & Finance: How to Invest in Distressed Debt

How to Invest in Distressed Debt

Distressed-debt investing is often referred to as "vulture funds" or "vulture investing." This is because you are investing in a company that is in financial trouble, taking advantage of its misfortune, in hope that it will be able to turn around and become profitable. Distressed debt investing is

Business & Finance: Are There Charges for Taking Money Out of Mutual Funds?

Are There Charges for Taking Money Out of Mutual Funds?

Mutual fund customers pay a variety of fees and, depending on the class of the shares they own, some shareholders pay back-end load fees for selling mutual funds. Fees are based upon the account value at the time the fund is sold, so better performing funds result in higher fees.

Business & Finance: How Can I Make Money Trading Penny Stocks?

How Can I Make Money Trading Penny Stocks?

If you use the term "Penny stocks" this refers to stocks of organizations that are valued at very small values. There is significant return potential, and your initial investment can be quite small, but you do run the risk of the business becoming bankrupt and you dropping your investment.

Business & Finance: Stock Market Glossary - Where To Begin

Stock Market Glossary - Where To Begin

Many of us are interested in the market and want to get into the game, but don't know where to start. Once you start doing some serious research you are bombarded with all these terms that don't mean a thing to you.

Business & Finance: Investing In Mutual Funds For Youngsters

Investing In Mutual Funds For Youngsters

Youngsters who have just started their careers must have an idea about investing in mutual funds. Some of the possible types of funds that they can invest include emerging markets funds, small-cap and mid-cap funds and target funds. Emerging markets funds invest in fast-growing economies of the worl

Business & Finance: How Do State Municipal Bonds Work?

How Do State Municipal Bonds Work?

State governments can borrow money by issuing municipal bonds. State municipal bond buyers are lending money to the state when they purchase the bonds. The bond-holders receive regular interest payments that have the advantage of being exempt from income taxes. Municipal bonds are also referred to a

Business & Finance: Online Stock Market Trading in 12 Easy Steps

Online Stock Market Trading in 12 Easy Steps

Interested in breaking into online stock market trading? Below you will find a 12-step guide to help you in your endeavors. 1.Necessary Tools: a.a calculator (scientific calculator not necessary unless you know how to use ...

Business & Finance: Relationship Between Earnings & Stock Market Value

Relationship Between Earnings & Stock Market Value

Earnings are the profit a company makes after all the expenses are paid. Stock investors are very interested in the earnings amounts of the companies represented by different stocks. The value of a company's share price is often related to the company's current and projected earnings. One reason to

Business & Finance: Options Vs Binary Options

Options Vs Binary Options

An option is a contract that gives you the right to buy or sell a stock at a specific price (called the "strike price"), but the catch is there is a specific time limit, too. They expire. Some people like options because you can make (or lose) a lot of money very quickly if you do it right

Business & Finance: Accepting Credit Cards For Charity Gives Donors What They Want

Accepting Credit Cards For Charity Gives Donors What They Want

Accepting credit cards for charities could very well be the lifeblood of your organization. By doing so, you are saying to the public that you have arrived in the digital age, and you plan on doing whatever is necessary to stay current and relevant to society. And that's exactly what your donor

Business & Finance: How to Find Stock Trading Information

How to Find Stock Trading Information

There are plenty of places to find stock trading information about a particular company that you may be interested in. The internet has put real-time information at the fingertips of investors all over the world. Unfortunately, not all stock information is created equal, and some of it is even incor

Business & Finance: Select a Good Stock Market Strategy For Good Returns

Select a Good Stock Market Strategy For Good Returns

Stock market can be a good money maker if you know how to play the stock market correctly. A lot of people get into the stock market thinking they can make big money but then lose money by making some rash decisions.

Business & Finance: How to Sell Stock at a Loss for Tax Purposes

How to Sell Stock at a Loss for Tax Purposes

When you buy a stock, you hope its value will increase, but sometimes the opposite happens. Perhaps the only good thing about selling a losing stock is that it provides a chance to write the amount of the loss off on your taxes. If you have some losing stocks in your portfolio, you can sell them and

Business & Finance: Stock Option Trading

Stock Option Trading

Trading stock options is considered one of the riskiest venture practices nowadays. Option trading is basically exchanging contracts at a desirable price. The price of the option is calculated by multiplying the number of shares ...

Business & Finance: The Pros and Cons of Penny Stock Trading

The Pros and Cons of Penny Stock Trading

Trading penny stocks can be quick and easy for experienced investors, but those who are new to the game may want to pick their penny stocks list carefully. Investing in penny shares has a lot of different pros and cons. Risk and reward go hand in hand, but no more so than the world of the volatile p

Business & Finance: What Happens to Stock After Delisting?

What Happens to Stock After Delisting?

Stock exchanges, such as NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), help regulate the stock market and lend credibility to companies listed on them. Each stock exchange requires that companies meet certain criteria in order to be listed, as well as to maintain their listing. When a company falls