Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Accepting Credit Cards For Charity Gives Donors What They Want

Accepting credit cards for charities could very well be the lifeblood of your organization.
By doing so, you are saying to the public that you have arrived in the digital age, and you plan on doing whatever is necessary to stay current and relevant to society.
And that's exactly what your donors want for you to do.
It may cost a little upfront to establish payment methods online for your charitable organization, but the dividends you will see quickly alleviate any concerns you might have for taking that step.
It's important for you to know what donors want and give them as much as you can.
Donors want to help out worthy causes even more than you think they do: Even in harsh economic times, the human spirit does not cease to give.
And your donors want to give to you.
They just want to make sure that donating money to your cause will fit into their lives.
That's why it's important to make it fast, easy, and convenient for them.
Donors want you to make wise use of their contributions: It's important to establish a web presence, so donors can keep up with the work they are supporting.
Don't treat your website as a business card.
Make frequent updates to assure your donors that positive steps are being taken with their monies.
Donors want online payment processing to be smooth and effective: Online payment processing is a no-brainer.
The days of accepting checks and money orders as a primary form of payment are quickly receding.
If you have not taken this step, then you are sending a message to your donors that growth is not a priority for you.
Donors want to be familiar with the forms of payment you accept: Don't rely on some strange unproven payment broker.
Make options available to your donors that allow them to give at any time using credit cards or PayPal.
These forms of payment have established strong reputations, and donors need to feel their financial information is secure if they are going to entrust it to you.
Donors want to be able to document their contributions for tax purposes: Come tax season, donors need to make it easy on their government.
Charitable donations are mostly tax deductible, and when a donor can prove where his money is going with a simple visit to your website, he is more apt to continue giving to your cause.
No one wants an audit, but should the need for one occur, it's good to know you can prove your deductions.
Make it easy for them to do so! Accepting credit cards for charity gives donors what they want, and it keeps your cause relevant to those who support you.
Why wouldn't you want to do it?
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