Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Stock Picking Secrets by Ed Burke Who Beat 254,000 Traders to Win the CNBC Investment Challenge

Stock picking is an art.
Ask Warren Buffet and his friend Charlie Munger.
Warren Buffet meticulously researches each opportunity in the stock market and only invests when he thinks that he is getting a fair bargain.
Right stock in your hand and you have a high chance of making a fortune.
There are many sectors in an economy.
All the sectors are not alike.
Some sectors have high growth while others show slow growth.
The art of stock picking lies in first finding a hot sector than narrowing that down to a few hot stocks in that sector.
Easier said than done.
There are many many sectors in the economy and within each sector there are thousands and thousands of companies.
You will meet many traders who will claim that they have perfected a fool proof stock picking system.
But how do you know.
One way to know that is to look at their portfolio performance over the years.
Warren Buffet' portfolio over the years has given an average performance of 22%.
Not bad huh! Some years were very good and some were not so good.
But overall return of his portfolio has been around 22% beating the S&P 500 Index by a wide margin.
This convinces you that his stock picking system is something that is worth taking a look at.
Meet Edward Burke.
He won the 2008, CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Challenge.
Every year, CNBC holds its Investment Challenge.
Thousands and thousands of traders take part in this challenge that has a cash prize of $500,000 for the winner.
Edward Burke beat 254,000 traders in 2008 to win the Investment Challenge.
Now, he has released his Stock Picking Secret Trading System that he has perfected over a period of 10 years to pick the right stocks for your portfolio.
Ed says that markets are driven by human nature and what you need is clarity in understanding the market.
If you can develop that clarity, you can spot the right stock that at the moment can provide you with the best return.
When you download his Stock Picking Secret Trading System, you will discover the exact system that he used to make a fortune in 10 weeks and how you can copy that system and tweak it according to your investment goals.
Ed will also give you complete explanation of all the stock picking system components and the logic behind it.
Learn stock picking from a winner!
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