Business & Finance: Stock Patterns Explained

Stock Patterns Explained

When looking at stock charts what you see may not mean much to you. On these charts there are patterns. These patterns mean a lot to the investors that analyze such data to make their trades.

Business & Finance: Recommended Penny Stocks to Invest In

Recommended Penny Stocks to Invest In

When it comes to penny stocks (also known as pink stocks), a main dilemma that most investors face is selecting which specific stocks to put their money in. Because of the many penny stocks that are being traded on the various over the counter (OTC) exchanges, it is very difficult to discern which s

Business & Finance: Day Trading Level 2 for Beginners

Day Trading Level 2 for Beginners

Day traders are speculators who close out all stock trades before the market closes for the day. Day traders might hold a stock position from a few minutes or a few hours. Because of their short holding time, it is important for day traders to correctly interpret current buying and selling demand fo

Business & Finance: How to Present a Treasurer's Report

How to Present a Treasurer's Report

As a volunteer treasurer, part of your role is to present a report each month at your committee meeting and once a year at your organisation's annual general meeting. The word "report" is probably a bit misleading - in this case, it's more like a low-key information session than

Business & Finance: Mutual Fund Alternatives - Discover Lower Risk & Higher Rewards

Mutual Fund Alternatives - Discover Lower Risk & Higher Rewards

Mutual funds overall return poor results. A good one may return 10 12 compounded but with inflation, thats not much and on the risk side 30% losses or more can occur and they can last for years!Fact is most dont even out perform the index, there are better alternatives with lower risk and higher pr

Business & Finance: How To Invest In Small Cap Stocks

How To Invest In Small Cap Stocks

It is time to take control of your finances and invest in your future and the way you have decided you are going to do that is to trade micro cap stocks! But almost immediately you find yourself asking "how do I trade penny stocks?" Do not worry this article is intended to help you get sta

Business & Finance: Cleantech Stock Investing Primer

Cleantech Stock Investing Primer

Cleantech, just what in the heck is it and why, as an investor, do you care? As an investor, you should care about cleantech for two main reasons. First, there's profit in it-and the field is growing. Second, it's earth friendly.

Business & Finance: List of Penny Stocks - Discover How Wealthy Investors Make Fortunes

List of Penny Stocks - Discover How Wealthy Investors Make Fortunes

Have you ever wondered why some people in the world are just so rich? How are they doing it? Well, one way that people are becoming wealthy is by creating an explosive list of penny stock to buy. If you know how to pick the winners, the amount of money you can make is staggering.

Business & Finance: An Introduction To Stock Options Trading

An Introduction To Stock Options Trading

Stock options trading is a more advanced way of getting involved in the stock market. As such it is not recommended for beginners because of the more in depth nature of how it works. But ...

Business & Finance: What You Should Know About the Roth IRA Account

What You Should Know About the Roth IRA Account

The Roth IRA was created when Senator William Roth of Delaware saw the need for persons to have a more substantial way of saving towards retirement. It then came to life in 1997, signed by President Clinton under the then Taxpayer Relief Act. The Roth IRA account is considered the best as the intere

Business & Finance: Who Else Wants to Become the Best Stock Trader?

Who Else Wants to Become the Best Stock Trader?

Starting something without knowledge about it ends in a disaster. You might not believe this but you can try to search on some people who made it to the top. Most of them studied their craft and made the best out of it.

Business & Finance: How to Calculate Nominal Rate of Return on Preferred Stock

How to Calculate Nominal Rate of Return on Preferred Stock

Preferred stock is somewhere between debt and equity in terms of payment attributes and tax considerations. Preferred stock mimics debt in the principal and interest payment. However, it acts more like equity in that there is no guarantee on the repayment of principal and interest payments are treat

Business & Finance: Annuity Complaints

Annuity Complaints

Annuities are often sold as safe investments that allow people to enjoy the upside of the stock market while being protected from the next bear market. But while annuities can be good investments for some people, they generate more than their fair share of complaints as well....

Business & Finance: Recommendations for HCL and Infosys Ltd. Stocks

Recommendations for HCL and Infosys Ltd. Stocks

A strong phase of performance exhibited by Indian IT companies in the recent quarterly results instills new rays of hopes amongst investors. And company-wise initiative of capitalization for growth continues. No wonder Indian IT companies, ...

Business & Finance: How to Buy Lotto Scratchers That Win Money

How to Buy Lotto Scratchers That Win Money

Every now and then, we go to our local lottery retailer and buy a couple scratchers in hopes of winning some unexpected prize or money. The truth is, there are ways to increase your chances of winning!