You know, where the real money is easy resources to mine in access? The answer is in the Indonesian capital market.
1. Indonesian Capital Market Performance
Some facts about the Indonesian Capital Market for the period January to November 2012 showed that the total funds obtained from the capital market to reach Rp103, 34 trillion, great right?.
Head of Corporate Financial Services Sector Assessment IDX, Noor Rahman said, it has to process data on corporate actions ranging from issuing bonds, initial public offerings and the rights issue for a total of 67 issuers. Obtains the total funds from the capital markets PKP processed in the service sector reached Rp94, 40 trillion.
Composition obtains funds from the capital market for IPO issuers have 13, with total funding of Rp 6, 59 trillion, limited public offering or rights issue, there are 15 companies with a total fund that achieved approximately Rp13, 7 trillion, and bonds around Rp74, 06 trillion . "Most of the sectors that issue bonds," said Noor told reporters on Wednesday, 28th November.
Meanwhile, the total fund obtains from the real sector include the IPO there are five listed companies with a total fund that achieved approximately Rp1, 42 trillion, there are five in total bond funds reached about Rp 6, 69 trillion, and limited public offering (LPO) I about Rp832 billion. Total funds gained from corporate actions of the company reached Rp103, 34 trillion.
Towards the end of November 2012, the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) again set new records. At the end of trade on Monday (26/11), stock index closed at 4375.17 levels rose slightly 0.61% from Friday (23/11) at 4348.81. It is the all-time record highs JCI. Investors remain keen hunting stock despite the overwhelming negative sentiment from the international circulation
President Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Ito Warsito said the cause of the JCI optimism is the return of investors, both foreign and local. "Although there are still problems in the financial markets (global), but performance and issuers Indonesian economy is very good," he said.
On Wednesday, December 12, 2012, buying mostly done by foreign and local investors that the transaction today reached more than Rp 7 trillion, quite remarkable is not it?
On this unique day, the Indonesia Stock Exchange is very crowded and the proven reach its highest achievement in the history of the transaction value within 1 day.
Special Day of privilege dated 12/12/2012 recorded in the following on the Indonesian stock exchange:
Closing trade on Wednesday (12/12/2012), JCI increased 19.610 points (0.45%) to a level of 4337.528. While the LQ45 index rose 6.137 points (0.83%) to a level of 742.688.
Seed stocks led the gains based commodity exchanges. Mining and agriculture sector index jumped more than three percent, as well as various industry sectors.
Stocks in the consumer sector to market weight, corrected sufficiently massive to fall more than three percent. Correction successfully inhibit the strengthening exchange rate.
Transaction closes itself Sugih Energy Tbk PT (SUGI) worth Rp 225 billion and PT Inti Agri Resources Tbk (IIKP) amounting to Rp 261 billion in market negotiations and makes volume up quite high value transactions.
Trade today went very crowded with a frequency of 209 479 times on transaction volume reached 6.982 billion shares worth Rp 7.041 trillion. A total of 116 stocks rose, the remaining 124 stocks down, and 99 stocks unchanged.
Asian bourses compact moving in the green zone. Positive sentiment coming from the U.S. and European stock markets were higher a day earlier.
German stock market, one of the largest in the EU, soaring to its highest position high enough in the last seven months. Spanish debt sale could also call it a success with drastically reduced interest.
Regional bourses also showed positive dynamics such as:
Shanghai Composite Index rose 8.02 points (0.39%) to 2082.73.
The Hang Seng Index rose 179.41 points (0.80%) to 22503.35.
The Nikkei 225 rose 56.14 points (0.59%) to 9581.46.
Straits Times Index increased 17.58 points (0.56%) to 3135.91.
Let's look at the JCI movement throughout the last 5 years.
For the year 2012, until the end of November 2012
2. Shares For All - How Many Shares Investors in Indonesia?
Number of stock investors in Indonesia are actively trading in the stock market every day, it is still very small compared with the number of middle class people who estimated there are about 100 million of Indonesia's population.
Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) revealed a total sub-account securities account increased to 355 893 to 23 November 2012.
The increase in the number of sub-accounts that effect also followed single investor ID number rising from 276 990 ID per October 31, 2012 to 278 898 ID per 23 November 2012. Investors who do login increased slightly from 34 598 to 34 806 investors investors as of 23 November 2012. Similarly, as quoted from the official description Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) which was published on Monday (26/11/2012).
The total number of sub-accounts that effect has decreased from February 29, 2012 with total accounts reached 365 321 341 541 account into account. The decrease was due to the closing accounts dormant account.
Currently, the market authority is keen to socialize and educate the public capital markets. This was done to increase the number of investors in the capital market. .
One of the regular events held by IDX Investor Summit 2012, which this year was held on 28 November 2012.
"Events investor summit is expected to strengthen the position and role of capital market in Indonesian society to encourage the Indonesian economy," tuturDirektur the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Ito Warsito.
The stock market value equal to 46% of total gross domestic product (GDP) in Indonesia this year. For the record, the government projected this year's GDP value of Indonesia around Rp 8,550 trillion.
Unfortunately, although very large, only a handful of people who can enjoy and know the sweetness of honey stock market. Only about 0.3% of the approximately 100 million people in Indonesia from the middle class and above. The growth of a new middle class in Indonesia is still not in tune with the growth of stock market investors.
Well, of the handful of people who can enjoy a get a delicious stock market, tucked name Lo Hong Kheng. Currently, nearly 90% of assets 53-year-old man was stored in the form of shares.
Lo and hockey story in the stock market is indeed spectacular. See, in 2005, Lo Multibreeder buy PT Indonesia Tbk (MBAI). At that time, the stock price MBAI is Rp 250 per share. Last year, the share price MBAI Rp 31,500 per share, up 12,500%. "The advantage that I have realized," said the man who also spoke at the seminar in Indonesia Financial Expo and Forum (IFEF) 2012 which held KONTAN, 5-7 October 2012 yesterday.
Lo also been buying shares of PT Timah Tbk in 2002 for USD 285. Two years later, TINS stock price rose 917.5% to Rp 2,900 per share. So also when he invests in shares of PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR). He bought UNTR at a price of Rp 250 per share. In 2004, she was sold for Rp 1,350 per share. If calculated with bonus and stock split UNTR yan g11, 2 times, Lo reap capital gains of 6.000% of the initial capital.
What is the real secret to success Lo? "I just want to be patient and avoid speculation," he said with a condescending tone.
However, he admitted no home to buy shares. Lo apply several criteria before buying shares. For example, he always saw the management of the issuer's stock. He just want to buy stocks that are managed by management reliable and has a good track record. In fact, "I put this criterion in the first place," said Lo.
In addition, he only choose stocks that have a consistent financial performance in five consecutive years. He is also looking at the future and the survival of the issuer. "I also bought my stock value is low," he said.
That's the story of Lo, who for 23 years, with an initial capital arguably mediocre, diligently investing in stocks. Now, Grandpa Lo has about 21 stocks. A number of the estimates, the value of the stock of assets father of two children were already more than Rp 1 trillion. Really? Unfortunately, Lo secrecy.
Besides Lo seasoned investors who have entered, a number of people are also getting seriously try their luck in the stock market. Call it Adrian Maulana, a celebrity who started investing in stocks in 2009.
Initially, he bought mutual funds in 2005. That its value is up 150%. The increase in Adrian plunge into the world of fishing stocks. Investment returns in stocks again rotate in stock. "I recommend buying the stock for the long term, at least, five years," he said.
The same experience Piyu experienced musicians. The man began investing in 2007, by buying mutual funds. But he claimed to be dissatisfied with the results of investments in mutual funds.
In 2008, Piyu buy shares of PT Bumi Resources Tbk for Rp 775 per share. He then sold at Rp 2,000 per share.
Now, Piyu choose to be a trader. According to him, the trader must not only understand the technical analysis, but also have to control your emotions. Now, the band's guitarist, admits Rice needs met from stock trading results.
3. Future of Indonesian Capital Market
Head of Bapepam-LK, said Ngalim Sawega until the end of 2012, the index growth rate is estimated at 14.5%
IDX president director Ito Warsito Mr. assess the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) rate, the domestic capital market performance during 2012 was encouraging in the midst of global economic turmoil that is still ongoing.
IDX president director Ito Warsito in Jakarta on Wednesday, said the Indonesian capital market performance, one of which is reflected in the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) has been growing about 13 percent during 2012.
"Last year, BEI index grew only about 3.2 percent. Currently, JCI has grown 13 percent during 2012, BEI index now it continues to rise, likely by the end of the year to grow 15 percent," he said.
Moreover, he continued, growth in the Indonesian capital market capitalization also increased more than Rp500 billion due to the increase in issuers in IDX.
"If we look at the growth of the market capitalization of the Stock Exchange grew more than Rp500 trillion, with 23 new companies, it's actually quite significantly the growth," he said.
Ito also said the Indonesian capital market growth also triggered fundamentals of listed companies in the country that the majority of positive although some issuers plantation and mining sectors decreased performance.
"This year was not good for plantation and mining industry, it is triggered from depressed commodity prices so that profits declined emitennya not match expectations. However it was closed by the growth of other sectors, such as financial, consumer, manufacturing, infrastructure," he said.
When viewed from the stock market capitalization over GDP Indonesia (see chart below), for the moment, Indonesia's capital market is still very cheap (relatively undervalued) compared with other States capital markets such as the UK and Switzerland. Even compared to neighboring countries especially Malaysia Singapore. Thus the Indonesian capital market still has huge potential to grow even more in the years to come.
Not surprisingly, foreign investors interested in shares traded on the stock exchanges of Indonesia. The main reason is the low price.
Vibiz Consulting CEO, Alfred Pakasi in exposure delivered at the Seminar on the campus of the University Tarumanegara Shares, on November 23, 2012 and said that JCI has grown by about 12.6% to the end of November and will be able to increase steadily to about 15% dipenutupan years 2012.
To reach the 5000 level in 2013, it is not difficult for the Indonesian Stock Exchange, according to Alfred Pakasi his closing submission on Market Outlook Indonesian Capital Market in the year 2013 on the campus of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tarumanegara in the last week in November.
Wait no more, is not difficult to join together Indonesian stock investors who already enjoy the sweet result of the stock market. Disclosure of information, ease of technology and the internet is the gateway to the vast new potential investors who are interested in stocks to take advantage of the dynamics of the Indonesian capital market.
Only, Arm yourself with the basic knowledge of capital markets as well as possible. Continuous education and actual experience is the best capital to take advantage of the capital markets.
Welcome to the success of the Indonesian capital market investors
1. Indonesian Capital Market Performance
Some facts about the Indonesian Capital Market for the period January to November 2012 showed that the total funds obtained from the capital market to reach Rp103, 34 trillion, great right?.
Head of Corporate Financial Services Sector Assessment IDX, Noor Rahman said, it has to process data on corporate actions ranging from issuing bonds, initial public offerings and the rights issue for a total of 67 issuers. Obtains the total funds from the capital markets PKP processed in the service sector reached Rp94, 40 trillion.
Composition obtains funds from the capital market for IPO issuers have 13, with total funding of Rp 6, 59 trillion, limited public offering or rights issue, there are 15 companies with a total fund that achieved approximately Rp13, 7 trillion, and bonds around Rp74, 06 trillion . "Most of the sectors that issue bonds," said Noor told reporters on Wednesday, 28th November.
Meanwhile, the total fund obtains from the real sector include the IPO there are five listed companies with a total fund that achieved approximately Rp1, 42 trillion, there are five in total bond funds reached about Rp 6, 69 trillion, and limited public offering (LPO) I about Rp832 billion. Total funds gained from corporate actions of the company reached Rp103, 34 trillion.
Towards the end of November 2012, the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) again set new records. At the end of trade on Monday (26/11), stock index closed at 4375.17 levels rose slightly 0.61% from Friday (23/11) at 4348.81. It is the all-time record highs JCI. Investors remain keen hunting stock despite the overwhelming negative sentiment from the international circulation
President Director of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Ito Warsito said the cause of the JCI optimism is the return of investors, both foreign and local. "Although there are still problems in the financial markets (global), but performance and issuers Indonesian economy is very good," he said.
On Wednesday, December 12, 2012, buying mostly done by foreign and local investors that the transaction today reached more than Rp 7 trillion, quite remarkable is not it?
On this unique day, the Indonesia Stock Exchange is very crowded and the proven reach its highest achievement in the history of the transaction value within 1 day.
Special Day of privilege dated 12/12/2012 recorded in the following on the Indonesian stock exchange:
Closing trade on Wednesday (12/12/2012), JCI increased 19.610 points (0.45%) to a level of 4337.528. While the LQ45 index rose 6.137 points (0.83%) to a level of 742.688.
Seed stocks led the gains based commodity exchanges. Mining and agriculture sector index jumped more than three percent, as well as various industry sectors.
Stocks in the consumer sector to market weight, corrected sufficiently massive to fall more than three percent. Correction successfully inhibit the strengthening exchange rate.
Transaction closes itself Sugih Energy Tbk PT (SUGI) worth Rp 225 billion and PT Inti Agri Resources Tbk (IIKP) amounting to Rp 261 billion in market negotiations and makes volume up quite high value transactions.
Trade today went very crowded with a frequency of 209 479 times on transaction volume reached 6.982 billion shares worth Rp 7.041 trillion. A total of 116 stocks rose, the remaining 124 stocks down, and 99 stocks unchanged.
Asian bourses compact moving in the green zone. Positive sentiment coming from the U.S. and European stock markets were higher a day earlier.
German stock market, one of the largest in the EU, soaring to its highest position high enough in the last seven months. Spanish debt sale could also call it a success with drastically reduced interest.
Regional bourses also showed positive dynamics such as:
Shanghai Composite Index rose 8.02 points (0.39%) to 2082.73.
The Hang Seng Index rose 179.41 points (0.80%) to 22503.35.
The Nikkei 225 rose 56.14 points (0.59%) to 9581.46.
Straits Times Index increased 17.58 points (0.56%) to 3135.91.
Let's look at the JCI movement throughout the last 5 years.
For the year 2012, until the end of November 2012
2. Shares For All - How Many Shares Investors in Indonesia?
Number of stock investors in Indonesia are actively trading in the stock market every day, it is still very small compared with the number of middle class people who estimated there are about 100 million of Indonesia's population.
Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) revealed a total sub-account securities account increased to 355 893 to 23 November 2012.
The increase in the number of sub-accounts that effect also followed single investor ID number rising from 276 990 ID per October 31, 2012 to 278 898 ID per 23 November 2012. Investors who do login increased slightly from 34 598 to 34 806 investors investors as of 23 November 2012. Similarly, as quoted from the official description Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) which was published on Monday (26/11/2012).
The total number of sub-accounts that effect has decreased from February 29, 2012 with total accounts reached 365 321 341 541 account into account. The decrease was due to the closing accounts dormant account.
Currently, the market authority is keen to socialize and educate the public capital markets. This was done to increase the number of investors in the capital market. .
One of the regular events held by IDX Investor Summit 2012, which this year was held on 28 November 2012.
"Events investor summit is expected to strengthen the position and role of capital market in Indonesian society to encourage the Indonesian economy," tuturDirektur the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Ito Warsito.
The stock market value equal to 46% of total gross domestic product (GDP) in Indonesia this year. For the record, the government projected this year's GDP value of Indonesia around Rp 8,550 trillion.
Unfortunately, although very large, only a handful of people who can enjoy and know the sweetness of honey stock market. Only about 0.3% of the approximately 100 million people in Indonesia from the middle class and above. The growth of a new middle class in Indonesia is still not in tune with the growth of stock market investors.
Well, of the handful of people who can enjoy a get a delicious stock market, tucked name Lo Hong Kheng. Currently, nearly 90% of assets 53-year-old man was stored in the form of shares.
Lo and hockey story in the stock market is indeed spectacular. See, in 2005, Lo Multibreeder buy PT Indonesia Tbk (MBAI). At that time, the stock price MBAI is Rp 250 per share. Last year, the share price MBAI Rp 31,500 per share, up 12,500%. "The advantage that I have realized," said the man who also spoke at the seminar in Indonesia Financial Expo and Forum (IFEF) 2012 which held KONTAN, 5-7 October 2012 yesterday.
Lo also been buying shares of PT Timah Tbk in 2002 for USD 285. Two years later, TINS stock price rose 917.5% to Rp 2,900 per share. So also when he invests in shares of PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR). He bought UNTR at a price of Rp 250 per share. In 2004, she was sold for Rp 1,350 per share. If calculated with bonus and stock split UNTR yan g11, 2 times, Lo reap capital gains of 6.000% of the initial capital.
What is the real secret to success Lo? "I just want to be patient and avoid speculation," he said with a condescending tone.
However, he admitted no home to buy shares. Lo apply several criteria before buying shares. For example, he always saw the management of the issuer's stock. He just want to buy stocks that are managed by management reliable and has a good track record. In fact, "I put this criterion in the first place," said Lo.
In addition, he only choose stocks that have a consistent financial performance in five consecutive years. He is also looking at the future and the survival of the issuer. "I also bought my stock value is low," he said.
That's the story of Lo, who for 23 years, with an initial capital arguably mediocre, diligently investing in stocks. Now, Grandpa Lo has about 21 stocks. A number of the estimates, the value of the stock of assets father of two children were already more than Rp 1 trillion. Really? Unfortunately, Lo secrecy.
Besides Lo seasoned investors who have entered, a number of people are also getting seriously try their luck in the stock market. Call it Adrian Maulana, a celebrity who started investing in stocks in 2009.
Initially, he bought mutual funds in 2005. That its value is up 150%. The increase in Adrian plunge into the world of fishing stocks. Investment returns in stocks again rotate in stock. "I recommend buying the stock for the long term, at least, five years," he said.
The same experience Piyu experienced musicians. The man began investing in 2007, by buying mutual funds. But he claimed to be dissatisfied with the results of investments in mutual funds.
In 2008, Piyu buy shares of PT Bumi Resources Tbk for Rp 775 per share. He then sold at Rp 2,000 per share.
Now, Piyu choose to be a trader. According to him, the trader must not only understand the technical analysis, but also have to control your emotions. Now, the band's guitarist, admits Rice needs met from stock trading results.
3. Future of Indonesian Capital Market
Head of Bapepam-LK, said Ngalim Sawega until the end of 2012, the index growth rate is estimated at 14.5%
IDX president director Ito Warsito Mr. assess the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) rate, the domestic capital market performance during 2012 was encouraging in the midst of global economic turmoil that is still ongoing.
IDX president director Ito Warsito in Jakarta on Wednesday, said the Indonesian capital market performance, one of which is reflected in the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) has been growing about 13 percent during 2012.
"Last year, BEI index grew only about 3.2 percent. Currently, JCI has grown 13 percent during 2012, BEI index now it continues to rise, likely by the end of the year to grow 15 percent," he said.
Moreover, he continued, growth in the Indonesian capital market capitalization also increased more than Rp500 billion due to the increase in issuers in IDX.
"If we look at the growth of the market capitalization of the Stock Exchange grew more than Rp500 trillion, with 23 new companies, it's actually quite significantly the growth," he said.
Ito also said the Indonesian capital market growth also triggered fundamentals of listed companies in the country that the majority of positive although some issuers plantation and mining sectors decreased performance.
"This year was not good for plantation and mining industry, it is triggered from depressed commodity prices so that profits declined emitennya not match expectations. However it was closed by the growth of other sectors, such as financial, consumer, manufacturing, infrastructure," he said.
When viewed from the stock market capitalization over GDP Indonesia (see chart below), for the moment, Indonesia's capital market is still very cheap (relatively undervalued) compared with other States capital markets such as the UK and Switzerland. Even compared to neighboring countries especially Malaysia Singapore. Thus the Indonesian capital market still has huge potential to grow even more in the years to come.
Not surprisingly, foreign investors interested in shares traded on the stock exchanges of Indonesia. The main reason is the low price.
Vibiz Consulting CEO, Alfred Pakasi in exposure delivered at the Seminar on the campus of the University Tarumanegara Shares, on November 23, 2012 and said that JCI has grown by about 12.6% to the end of November and will be able to increase steadily to about 15% dipenutupan years 2012.
To reach the 5000 level in 2013, it is not difficult for the Indonesian Stock Exchange, according to Alfred Pakasi his closing submission on Market Outlook Indonesian Capital Market in the year 2013 on the campus of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tarumanegara in the last week in November.
Wait no more, is not difficult to join together Indonesian stock investors who already enjoy the sweet result of the stock market. Disclosure of information, ease of technology and the internet is the gateway to the vast new potential investors who are interested in stocks to take advantage of the dynamics of the Indonesian capital market.
Only, Arm yourself with the basic knowledge of capital markets as well as possible. Continuous education and actual experience is the best capital to take advantage of the capital markets.
Welcome to the success of the Indonesian capital market investors