Business & Finance: Elss & Nsc Investing

Elss & Nsc Investing

People do invest their savings for the sake of getting tax rebates. One of the most popular format of savings and investment in India is NSC (National Savings Certificate). It gives the tax rebate to the investor under s/c 80C on Indian Indian Income Tax act. The same tax benefit is given by another

Business & Finance: Online Trading and the Investor

Online Trading and the Investor

On-line trading is an affordable way to manage your stock portfolio. Until recently, most investments were handled through brokers and their firms, which provided their clients with expert advice and research.

Business & Finance: Candle Fundraising Steps

Candle Fundraising Steps

Looking for a profitable fundraiser. Avoid the paperwork and fundraise online.

Business & Finance: What Is Short Money in Stock Market?

What Is Short Money in Stock Market?

In a traditional stock trade, an investor purchases stock with the hope that the stock increases in value. Purchases of this type, known as "going long," rely on the well-known mantra of "buy low, sell high."

Business & Finance: Should I Open an Annuity?

Should I Open an Annuity?

The right annuity can bring extra money money image by Arman Zhenikeyev from Fotolia.comAnnuities are Long-term InvestmentsInvesting in an annuity is a financially sound decision if the income being sought over time outweighs the amount of money put into the annuity in the...

Business & Finance: Day Trade For a Living

Day Trade For a Living

There are a lot of people who day trade for a living. These people have earned their financial freedom and work for themselves. Fortunately we have a market that allows anyone to do the same thing. You see, to day trade for a living is very possible for anyone who really wants to. All you have to do

Business & Finance: Muncipal Bond Fund Information

Muncipal Bond Fund Information

Bond funds offer the advantages of fixed income and diversification. Municipal bond funds allow investors to invest in many municipal bonds at once opposed to separately purchasing each bond by itself.

Business & Finance: How to Get Monthly Rent in the Stock Market

How to Get Monthly Rent in the Stock Market

Throughout this recession, I've had a lot of success writing covered calls. This strategy is based on the concept of buying stock low and selling someone else the option to buy your stock at a higher price than your purchase price (usually 10-20% higher).I've received large premiums every

Business & Finance: How to Calculate Idiosyncratic Risk

How to Calculate Idiosyncratic Risk

The value of a company varies with the level of profitability and expected growth. The level of risk in operations can influence the level of profitability. All things being equal, if you can reduce risk, you will increase your profitability. This is also true for stocks. Investment analysts divide

Business & Finance: Packaging: A Cause for Profit

Packaging: A Cause for Profit

As it turns out many new companies are jumping on the "cause marketing" bandwagon in conjunction with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.Right now breast cancer is the most popular cause used at market because it is October and it can be closely identified with marketing to women. (80%

Business & Finance: Options Versus Investments - No Reason To Avoid Derivatives

Options Versus Investments - No Reason To Avoid Derivatives

An option is derived from a security One important point to remember is that options are not investments unto themselves. They all derive from the underlying security. Therefore we call options as derivative investments. And ...

Business & Finance: Adverse Market Factors Affecting Stocks

Adverse Market Factors Affecting Stocks

Upswings and downswings in the share market occur daily and no one can fathom the precise reasons. Why do the share prices fluctuate, beating the estimates of the brokers or investors?

Business & Finance: An Investment Strategy Can Make You Millions

An Investment Strategy Can Make You Millions

The number one reason for failure in the investment industry is the lack of planning and strategy used to determine what shares to pick. This article covers why having a strategy is so vital to your success and also the types of strategies that will make you money. Discover the truth in this article

Business & Finance: Stock Investing - Important Guidelines For Beginners

Stock Investing - Important Guidelines For Beginners

The market for buying and selling of company stocks at a determined price is called the stock market. All of these stocks are registered at stock exchange facilities. Companies create stocks so as to raise financial support from the public through helping them partake in the growth of the company.

Business & Finance: How to Evaluate Investment Firms

How to Evaluate Investment Firms

Making investment decisions is an important part of your financial life. Unless you're willing to devote your time and energy to studying the various financial products available, you'll need to find an investment firm to help you out.Federal and state securities laws require investment

Business & Finance: Fundraising Basics, 5 Must Knows

Fundraising Basics, 5 Must Knows

Fundraising takes time and patience.Keeping this in mind from the beginning will help you to run a successful fundraising campaign.Non profit charities are always looking for new ways to fundraise and asking for volunteers to help with the programs.By keeping these 5 Must Knows in mind your voluntee

Business & Finance: 8 Steps to Long Term Investing

8 Steps to Long Term Investing

8 Steps to Long Term Investing 1. Get your finances in order and determine how much you can comfortably afford to invest on a monthly basis in order to benefit from compound interest and dollar ...

Business & Finance: Low Risk Bond ETF For Conservative Investors

Low Risk Bond ETF For Conservative Investors

A large numberinvestors get into ETFs for diversification, because these exchange traded funds allow you to spread your money around a certain index or sector. For even more diversification and to reduce volatility in your portfolio, you can add Bond ETF to your portfolio.