Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

How to Get Monthly Rent in the Stock Market

Table of Contents oThe Discovery oHow It Works (The Skinny) oRecommended Alternative oClosing Thoughts..
The Discovery During the last 15 yrs, I've invested a lot of money in the stock market and have experienced great loss and great gains; the losses always exceeded the gains, of course.
Whenever I lost a lot of money, I vowed that I would never gamble in the stock market again.
However, for some reason, I always seemed to come back after a couple of years, or so; I'd attend some seminar, pay thousands of dollars to learn the secrets and the cycle would continue.
That was until recently..
What I'm about to share with you in this article is pure magic.
This is about making a stable income (online) in the stock market every month, guaranteed.
And the beauty of it all, is that there's no better time than now to start.
Remember "buy low-sell high".
Well, hello, look at the stock market! How It Works (The Skinny) This strategy is based on the concept of buying stock low and selling someone else the option to buy your stock at a higher price than you bought it.
It's very similar to "leasing" a home to someone who pays you monthly rent, but who does not own the property.
It's free money that you can earn every month while still owning your stock! All you need to do is open an online 'full service' stock brokerage account (E*trade, Charles Schwab, etc); you'll need to put a couple of hundred dollars in the account and electronically sign an agreement to sell options before you can begin.
BTW, you're probably wondering: "What is an option, anyway"? In this article, I am referring to 'call' options; there's also a 'put' option that I won't cover in this article.
A 'call' option is a contractual agreement that you've made with a stock investor who wants the right to buy your stock from you at a set price (known as the "strike price"); this person is hoping that the stock is going to go higher than the 'strike price', and he could buy it from you at that lower price.
For this speculative gamble, he will pay you X amount of money (known as the premium); this amount could be anywhere between $3,000 to $10,000, depending on how much stock you own.
Now, if the stock goes higher than the strike price at the end of the month, he will buy your stock at the lower price and he will immediately sell it at the market price, thus securing an immediate profit.
If the stock does not go higher than the 'strike price' or goes down (at the end of the month), you keep his money ($3,000 - $10,000) and your stock; his contract and interest in the stock has now become 'null and void' and you can do this again next month.
Pretty cool, huh? There's really no easier way to make money.
It's like renting your house and receiving free monthly rent for doing virtually nothing.
In order to guarantee monthly income, you want to sell options ('call' type) that have 'strike prices' that are 10-20% higher than the price that you bought the stock.
Also, and this is very important, the stock also needs to be trading at or slightly below the 'strike price'.
Your hope is that the stock will not go above the 'strike price' so that you can keep the option buyers money and your stock.
The worst thing that can happen to you is that you sell your stock 10-20% higher than your purchase price and you can't run this game the next month.
BTW, once you create a "sell option" order online, the proceeds of the "buy option" order (from the speculative investor) immediately get deposited in your bank account.
Additionally, the sale of your stock automatically occurs if the 'strike price' is exceeded; you don't need to broker this deal or make any contact with a person.
It's all automatic and very easy to do.
Okay, now you're probably thinking that all of this sounds too good to be true.
Although all of this is very true (google "Covered Call Writing" for more information), there is one limiting factor for many of you.
And that is, of course, that you need money to make money.
I figured that I needed about $50,000 of stock in order to make about $3,500 of recurring monthly income.
Recommended Alternative In my quest to generate that volume of money, I researched hundreds of home business opportunities.
It wasn't until I tried the new IPC online home business that I began to make real money- and fast.
The IPC model is a sales model that produces monthly recurring income, just like the stock strategy discussed.
It happens to be the best online sales application that I've seen.
These guys have not only incorporated the concept of 'receiving recurring monthly income' into their strategy, but have mastered the art of walking you through each step of the process in a very "user- friendly" tutorial.
There is currently no other home business program out there that offers and shows you a systematic method for making huge money on the internet; I've tried them all.
IPC doesn't hide anything from you and you know exactly what this business is about before you apply.
If you go to my website, you can get a free report that details exactly how the system works.
I guarantee that after reading this report you will be blown away by the potential of this new program.
IPC is a legitimate home business that truly works for the average person.
The training, support, and proven system are all there.
Closing Thoughts..
I now have two (2) very productive online businesses (stock and sales) and I am generating serious monthly revenue on a recurring basis.
I've been doing the sales strategy for about a year and the 'option sales' for about 3 months.
At this rate, I should make about $300,000 next year.
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