Business & Finance: The Best Stock Broker - Choosing the Right Stock Broker For Your Needs

The Best Stock Broker - Choosing the Right Stock Broker For Your Needs

Do you have enough information at your disposal to choose the best stock broker for your needs? This choice really depends on the type of investment you plan to participate in. A broker is defined as a person who is licensed to buy and sell stock on the stock exchange. Read more about choosing the b

Business & Finance: Saving Money Through Investing In Mutual Funds

Saving Money Through Investing In Mutual Funds

A good mutual fund company will know how to use the investor's money to buy and sell large amounts of securities. The aim of mutual fund companies is to increase their profit margins.

Business & Finance: Pensions vs. Equity Indexed Annuities

Pensions vs. Equity Indexed Annuities

When planning for retirement, investors want to know that they will have a regular income after they stop working. Two of the vehicles that could be used for this purpose are the equity-indexed annuity and the pension plan. The pension plan is obtained through an employer, while the annuity contract

Business & Finance: Please Don't Chase the Dollars!

Please Don't Chase the Dollars!

There's an organization I'm familiar with that has done a great job of chasing dollars. And it's NOT a good thing. You see, they started with a mission that was focused in one direction. Then, as they found grants, they would start programs so they could qualify for the money. They bu

Business & Finance: The Best Get-Rich-Quick Strategies That Really Work

The Best Get-Rich-Quick Strategies That Really Work

Making money online is something that everyone is interested in, and it seems that everyone wants a slice of the pie when it comes to earning a living sitting at home and typing on the ...

Business & Finance: List of Brazilian Stocks

List of Brazilian Stocks

Brazil has one of the fastest growing economies and the Brazilian stock market has been one of the best performing since 2000. From 2003 until 2007 the iShares MSCI Brazil Index Fund had an average yearly return of 64 percent, and through mid-2009, the fund had a five-year compounding return of 33 p

Business & Finance: Getting Familiar With Trading Investment Jargon

Getting Familiar With Trading Investment Jargon

If you really want to gain something from the stock market, you must know their language in order to attain proper communication of where your money is going. These terminologies are essential to everyone prior ...

Business & Finance: 10 Moments in Canadian Tech Stock History That Changed the World

10 Moments in Canadian Tech Stock History That Changed the World

From the BlackBerry to the light bulb to the telephone, Canadian inventions are a part of the every day life of the world. But most end up in US based companies. We count down the top ten Canadian tech inventions that stayed here at home.

Business & Finance: Fundraising in Direct Sales

Fundraising in Direct Sales

Hosting fundraisers in direct sales is a wonderful way to increase sales, find new customers and possibly find new recruits. Get some ideas on how to host fundraisers in your direct sales business.

Business & Finance: How to Redeem US EE Bonds When Both Owners Are Deceased

How to Redeem US EE Bonds When Both Owners Are Deceased

When two people co-own a Series EE savings bond, and one of them pases away, ownership passes to the surviving owner. If both owners have passed away, ownership passes to the estate of the co-owner who lived the longest. If you have come across some EE bonds in your parents' effects, and you are the

Business & Finance: Introduction to Penny Stock Trading

Introduction to Penny Stock Trading

When there is less liquidity in the market and bad financial reports, penny stocks will be in danger and it will be tough to control it. You can now comfortably trade in penny stocks from your office or home with the assistance of Internet enabled technologies. No doubt, people say that penny stock

Business & Finance: Penny Stock Fortunes - Tips to Make Money Investing in Penny Stocks

Penny Stock Fortunes - Tips to Make Money Investing in Penny Stocks

If you are looking for a great investment in you may want to consider buying and selling penny stocks. There are many advantages to trading in these types of securities because you get a lot bang for your buck. Sometimes it is difficult to be positive when we see the stock market at such low levels.

Business & Finance: Three Ways to Avoid Penny Stock Fraud

Three Ways to Avoid Penny Stock Fraud

For many, penny stock investing is a goldmine. There are many penny stocks in the market worth investing in. As a stock trader, you naturally assume a certain degree of risk. However, the risk is expanded in the penny stock arena, because it's a favorite target for scam artists.

Business & Finance: Christian Fundraiser - Streams of Income

Christian Fundraiser - Streams of Income

Generating streams of income comes from doing things that are different than the norm. One of the most popular Christian Fundraiser events are the ones which are cause centered. There are literally tens of thousands of Christian groups in this country, they love doing charity benefits.

Business & Finance: A Past History Of The NYSE

A Past History Of The NYSE

"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years." - Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938), American short story writer and novelist. New York has often been described ...

Business & Finance: What You Should Know About Telecommunications Funding

What You Should Know About Telecommunications Funding

Banks are not the best place to look for telecommunications funding for your business. Instead you should look to specialty lenders who are well acquainted with the telecoms industry. Here we explore ways for you to find working capital for your business.