Business & Finance: Stock Market Secrets - Million Dollar Secrets

Stock Market Secrets - Million Dollar Secrets

Do you love trading with stocks? Well there are many people who simply love stock trading and the stock market. We all know that there have been many people who make huge investments in the stock markets. Though many people do make good profit but there are some who suffer huge losses. We are here t

Business & Finance: Does a Total Return Assume Reinvested Dividends?

Does a Total Return Assume Reinvested Dividends?

The return from an investment such as stock shares or a mutual fund can be calculated in several ways. For many investments, dividends play a significant role in total returns. Total return may or may not include reinvested dividends, depending on the type of investment product and who is doing the

Business & Finance: How to Manage Your Money When Trading Penny Stocks

How to Manage Your Money When Trading Penny Stocks

Penny stocks can be a very rewarding type of investment if you know what you're doing and, most significantly, if you administer your money appropriately. Improper money management can cut into your investing account swiftly. ...

Business & Finance: The Three D's - Investment Strategies 2009

The Three D's - Investment Strategies 2009

Approximately 30 trillion US dollars in global wealth evaporated during 2008. GCC investors were not excluded from the fray. The prevailing sentiment of the past decade was that the region's oil resources would keep the ...

Business & Finance: Pips And Stocks

Pips And Stocks

Those of you contemplating on getting in on stocks or in the stock market, should take time to learn about highs/lows, bid/asks, charts, pips, spreads and so on to avoid up-and-cominghigh plunges

Business & Finance: How to Obtain Health Insurance in New York State

How to Obtain Health Insurance in New York State

Because New York is a so-called "guarantee-issue" state, you can't be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. You also can't be charged a higher premium for such a condition. Therefore, when you're looking for health insurance in New York state, you can focus soley on the plan t

Business & Finance: Is Online Trading Safe?

Is Online Trading Safe?

Online trading is widely considered a safe way to trade stocks, but investors should be aware of some risks. Buying and selling stocks on the Internet can make you vulnerable to dangers you need to know about to protect yourself.

Business & Finance: Can You Hold Mutual Funds in a 401(k)?

Can You Hold Mutual Funds in a 401(k)?

A 401k allows employees to direct money from their paychecks into a company-sponsored retirement plan. The money earned is tax-deferred until withdrawal. Often, the company will match the employee's contributions. Investment options, including mutual funds, differ depending upon the company and the

Business & Finance: The Truth About Election Years!

The Truth About Election Years!

It's been popular wisdom for years that election years are usually positive, much more often than other years. But are they?

Business & Finance: Mutual Fund Industry Overview

Mutual Fund Industry Overview

The mutual fund industry is a multi-trillion-dollar industry, serving primarily the general investing public. Mutual funds, a type of investment company, are closely regulated by the government for the protection of the public interest. Mutual funds are managed by investment advisers that may use di

Business & Finance: How to Select a Stock Broker

How to Select a Stock Broker

Five steps to selecting the correct stockbroker. 1. Must specialize in the market you are going to trade. 2. Must allow Contingent Order placement. 3...

Business & Finance: Is Your Portfolio Shovel Ready?

Is Your Portfolio Shovel Ready?

Now that all of the inauguration hoopla has subsided, the incoming Obama administration is expected almost immediately to roll up their sleeves and commence efforts to stimulate our floundering economy by providing funding for"shovel ready"projects. In addition to the growing population of

Business & Finance: Are Chipmakers Finally Stabilizing?

Are Chipmakers Finally Stabilizing?

By Charles Rotblut Mar 25, 2009 Highlighted stocks include Altera Corporation (ALTR), Intel Corporation (INTC), Marvel Technology (MRVL) and Texas Instruments (TXN). Much to my surprise, I'm seeing reasons to not be so pessimistic toward ...

Business & Finance: Penny Stocks - A Whole New Investment Strategy

Penny Stocks - A Whole New Investment Strategy

If you want to greatly increase or augment your income using the least possible capital, then penny stocks are just the thing for you. They provide you the opportunity to participate in the stock market and generate a great deal of profit without you having to risk a lot of money. Penny stocks are j

Business & Finance: Mutual Funds: Money Wise Be Wise

Mutual Funds: Money Wise Be Wise

Mutual fund investments are very lucrative and beneficial option if taken with the complete caution and expert advice. offers the vital information about the stock quotes and other trading tips in a very comprehensive manner.

Business & Finance: Average Cost of Adding an In-ground Pool to Your Home

Average Cost of Adding an In-ground Pool to Your Home

When determining the cost of an in-ground swimming pool, factor in the cost of the pool itself as well as installation costs and ongoing maintenance costs. Pool prices vary greatly depending upon the size, material and location of the pool. According to, the average 2010 cost of a 16x

Business & Finance: Could a trading plan make you a more successful Trader?

Could a trading plan make you a more successful Trader?

Could a trading plan make you a more successful Trader? A trading plan is something that is absolutely essential, but it is not always something that every trader has considered before committing to placing their ...

Business & Finance: Stock Investing For the Fortunate

Stock Investing For the Fortunate

I have had a blessed career in managing the markets of my choice, and it is through this that I have made most of my money. I am not saying that I am a luminary among traders, but I can safely say that I have been doing this long enough so that I don't step into something disgusting on the way

Business & Finance: Help With Debt When Wages Have Been Garnisheed

Help With Debt When Wages Have Been Garnisheed

Wage garnishment is one of the most powerful tools creditors can use to collect past-due debts. It requires a court order, usually following a lawsuit against the debtor. Once the creditor gets a writ of garnishment, the debtor's employer must withhold part of the employee's paycheck each pay period

Business & Finance: Can Mutual Funds Be Sold or Cashed Out?

Can Mutual Funds Be Sold or Cashed Out?

People can buy or sell shares in mutual funds on a daily basis with the exception of weekends, federal holidays and any other days that the stock market does not open for business. Shareholders often have to pay state and federal taxes as well as fees to their broker and the mutual fund company when