Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Please Don"t Chase the Dollars!

There's an organization I'm familiar with that has done a great job of chasing dollars.
And it's NOT a good thing.
You see, they started with a mission that was focused in one direction.
Then, as they found grants, they would start programs so they could qualify for the money.
They built their organization around grants, not around the mission of the organization.
After doing this several times, their organization has become quite disjointed programmatically.
They have programs that don't fit in their mission, and financially they are nearly completely dependent on grants.
If those grants ever go away, they're going to be dead in the water.
From an outsider's viewpoint, it looks like a lack of passion for their original mission, because they don't seem to be interested in staying true to it.
They're just chasing dollars.
They should be focusing on fundraising and building relationships with donors.
They should be working on programs that further their mission.
Instead, they're grabbing money where they can.
Fundraising is about raising money to support what you are already doing, not getting money to start something new just so you can keep paying staff.
Eventually, it will become problematic and the organization could wither and die.
Donors will see through this strategy and will either question the motives of the leadership or they will go find another nonprofit to support who seems to have their act together better.
I understand that when you're inadequately funded, every grant opportunity can be very attractive.
But in the best interest of your organization and the people you serve, it's best to only go after the funding that fits the work you are already doing.
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