Business & Finance: How to Use a Calculator for Percentages

How to Use a Calculator for Percentages

Learning to use the percent key on your calculator will make your life a lot easier. The percent sign works with multiplication, addition and subtraction. Use multiplication to calculate a percentage of a number, such as when figuring a tip. Use addition and subtraction for calculating percentage in

Business & Finance: Scholarships for High School Students With 2.20 GPA

Scholarships for High School Students With 2.20 GPA

High school students with a GPA of 2.20 may still enjoy free higher education through scholarships. Grade Point Average (GPA) measures students' performance in their studies, and a GPA of 2.20 is equivalent to a performance of 77 percent. Most universities accept students with a 2.20 GPA unless the

Business & Finance: How to Make Money in a Day Trading System

How to Make Money in a Day Trading System

Day trading refers to buying and selling a stock in the same business day. To be profitable at it, investors must leverage large amounts of capital to take advantage of small price movements. For traders, the best way to take advantage of small price movements is through a good day trading system th

Business & Finance: Social Security Disability Benefits & Worker Compensation

Social Security Disability Benefits & Worker Compensation

Social Security Disability and workers' compensation benefits are both programs designed to provide an income source when a person cannot work. While both programs are based on an inability to work, they are not mutually exclusive.

Business & Finance: Scholarships & Grants for Adults Returning to School

Scholarships & Grants for Adults Returning to School

Adults returning to school may find the masses of scholarship opportunities for high schools students discouraging. However, there are scholarships and grants also available for adults returning to school. Finding these awards can take time, but they are worth the time as they can significantly redu

Business & Finance: Personal Banking Information

Personal Banking Information

According to, the definition of banking is "activities undertaken by banks." Given this definition, personal banking has to do with the activities undertaken by you and your bank. Personal banking includes the types of accounts and activities available to an individual.

Business & Finance: How to Turn Your Scrap Gold Jewelry Into Cash

How to Turn Your Scrap Gold Jewelry Into Cash

If you have gold jewelry you want to get rid of it, turn it into cash by selling it to a jeweler or gold dealer. It doesn't matter what condition the jewelry is in, as long as it's gold or has gold in it. Keep in mind that jewelers or gold dealers will pay only for the gold content, not the stones

Business & Finance: Advice on Purchasing a New Car

Advice on Purchasing a New Car

Buying a new car is one of the largest purchases most people will ever make, but it isn't always the smartest. Many individuals view the car they drive as an expression of their personalities and a sign of their station in life; when new car fumes invade the brain, logic sometimes flies out the wind

Business & Finance: Do 401(k)s Get Factored Into a Roth Conversion?

Do 401(k)s Get Factored Into a Roth Conversion?

When you're tired of owning your 401k plan, or you are retiring and looking for some other account to stash your savings, a Roth IRA is one option open to you. A Roth IRA only accepts after-tax contributions but does not tax any distributions after age 59 1/2. The IRS permits you to move money from

Business & Finance: How Is a Credit Score Calculated Based on Your Credit History?

How Is a Credit Score Calculated Based on Your Credit History?

Credit bureaus use complicated formulas to boil your credit history down to one number, called the "credit score" or "FICO score," so named because the scoring system was developed by the Fair Isaac Corp. Each of the three major credit bureaus applies the FICO formula a little differently, so the sc

Business & Finance: Financial Fitness Tools

Financial Fitness Tools

For many of us, the world of finance is clouded by hard-to-understand terminology that causes us to shirk our own financial planning. We end up putting our financial plans on hold thinking we will get to it "sometime." But, the educated few of us who have made the effort have found online tools and

Business & Finance: How Does a Business Loan Work?

How Does a Business Loan Work?

Form a Business PlanThere are many places at which you can apply for a business loan, but wherever you apply, they will want to see a business plan. This will be the most important part of the loan application. The plan for starting a new business is more difficult than a plan for an...

Business & Finance: What Expenses Lower Your Tax Bill?

What Expenses Lower Your Tax Bill?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determines the amount of tax you owe every year based on income from working, investments and other sources. Taxes on the full amount of income earned in a year can seem high for some Americans, but there are several ways to lower your tax bill. Understanding and u

Business & Finance: Funny Ways to Raise Money at Your Meeting

Funny Ways to Raise Money at Your Meeting

Telemarketers, direct mail and schoolchildren flood the market asking for individuals to contribute funds for their causes. Add some humor to the collection and potential donors will be more inclined to respond. There are some funny ways to raise money for your favorite cause at your next...

Business & Finance: What If the Bank Holding Your Mortgage Fails?

What If the Bank Holding Your Mortgage Fails?

With bank failures becoming a common occurrence, homeowners might feel concern over the fate of their mortgage loans in any seizure carried out by the federal government. But the government has had a standard procedure for dealing with failed banks for decades, and the agency handling these unhappy

Business & Finance: How to Obtain a Deed From a Sheriff Sale in Indiana

How to Obtain a Deed From a Sheriff Sale in Indiana

A lender in Indiana may foreclose on a house or other real estate through judicial foreclosure. The sheriff then conducts a sheriff sale of the property. Participants at an Indiana sheriff sale buy foreclosed property by placing the highest public bid. Like all home buyers, auction winners need an I

Business & Finance: How to Clip and Organize Coupons

How to Clip and Organize Coupons

Although the task of cutting coupons from various publications and organizing them may sometimes seem to consume more time than the process is worth, if done properly it will produce a grocery bill that points to a different conclusion. A disciplined approach to coupon saving can save hundreds ̵

Business & Finance: How to Transfer a 403(b) to an IRA

How to Transfer a 403(b) to an IRA

Educators and other employees of nonprofit organizations use 403(b) plans to save for their retirements. These plans essentially mirror 401k plans in form and purpose. Employees who retire with these plans usually roll them over to IRAs in order to retain greater control over their assets.

Business & Finance: Creative Ways to Do a Character Analysis

Creative Ways to Do a Character Analysis

The purpose of a character analysis is to better understand the motives, beliefs and feelings of a complex character. By using the information you already have about the character and asking some tough questions, you can get further in touch with who the character really is and her purpose throughou