Business & Finance Personal Finance

The Home Based Business-The New American Dream

There used to be a time when the Great American Dream meant finishing school and getting a good job with a good company. You'd work there for virtually your entire career and then somewhere along the way the next Great American Dream would happen--you'd buy your own home. Then, after spending a suitable amount of time with the company that employed you--somewhere on the order of 40 years or so, give or take a few years--you'd retire and live out the rest of your life in that home you bought. In consideration for a job well done and for all the time you put in over the years enriching the company you worked for, you received a pension. This was a retirement that--theoretically--paid all of your bills and allowed you to live out the Golden Years, if not in luxury, at least free from financial worries and stress.

But things somehow changed along the way. Many companies, after paying millions of dollars to their top executives, needed cash to continue operating. So they began tapping into their retirement accounts--actually, the retirement accounts of their employees--and "borrowed" the money they needed. Of course, it was unlikely that the money would be repaid, but they didn't actually say that. People who had spent years keeping up their part of the bargain all of a sudden realized that they didn't have enough money to retire on.

Worse, when the companies didn't have enough money to pay their retirees their pensions, the checks simply stopped--an even worse scenario. And as far as long term employment with one company is concerned, because of mismanagement and sloppy operations, many large firms were either sold or just shut down. While top executives lined their pockets with lucrative "Golden Parachutes," the employees were simply let go.

Today, in a world troubled by global economic turmoil, the Great American Dream still includes a job and a home, albeit in a much different context. Increasingly, people are realizing the risk of entrusting their financial future to a company, or even placing it in the hands of another person. People are waking up to the fact that if you want to survive--indeed, if you want to succeed--you need to do it on your own. Most experts agree that the only surefire way to provide for a bullet-proof retirement is to own your own business. Even better, with the internet firmly ingrained into our daily lives, this can be done from the comfort of your own home. Opportunities for success abound--the key is to find the right one for you. Do the research, and create your own successful future.
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