Home & Garden: How to Mix the Ratio for Hi-Yield Killzall Super Concentrate Weed & Grass Killer

How to Mix the Ratio for Hi-Yield Killzall Super Concentrate Weed & Grass Killer

Hi-Yield Killzall concentrate is a nonselective, post-emergent herbicide for lawn and garden renovation or spot treatment of annual and perennial weeds. The active ingredient is 41 percent glyphosate, which translocates through the plant from the foliage to the roots and kills the plants and its roo

Home & Garden: How to Treat a Sparse, Spotty Lawn

How to Treat a Sparse, Spotty Lawn

A spotty and sparse lawn isn't typically the look most homeowners long for. Rather, many want their grass to be lush, bright green and beautiful. Spotty lawns occur for a variety of reasons, including soil compaction. When the soil is compacted, the grass roots can't dig their way down and grow. Add

Home & Garden: Which Insects Are Composters?

Which Insects Are Composters?

Insects help break down your compostables.nicht recycelbar image by Bizarr from Fotolia.comBy setting up a compost pile at home, you reduce the amount of garbage bags set out on the curb side and the quantity of waste that ends up in the landfill. You can even use this beneficial...

Home & Garden: About Decorative Wire Fences

About Decorative Wire Fences

For thousands of years, strong fencing has been essential to people's way of life. People use fences to provide a corral for livestock, for security and privacy, to keep animals out of the garden and for decoration. Choices abound today on the type of fence to use, from wrought iron to chain link. O

Home & Garden: Difference Between Orange & Lemon Trees

Difference Between Orange & Lemon Trees

Orange and lemon trees share common characteristics such as a bright colored fruit and sensitivity to cold. Both trees arrived in the Americas via Europe, though the trees likely originated further east in China and India. Lemons and oranges flavor savory dishes, serve as decorative accompaniments t

Home & Garden: How to Compost With Humus

How to Compost With Humus

A rich compost, also called humus, can be made from leaves, yard debris, kitchen scraps and other waste right outside your home in a composter or pile. In composting, all of the materials you put in the composter are broken down into fine soil-like humus full of nutrients and minerals that will be s

Home & Garden: Outdoor Lighting Tips From Experienced Landscape Gardeners

Outdoor Lighting Tips From Experienced Landscape Gardeners

How to get the best Lighting effects and more tips from your Landscape Gardener based in Sheffield. It is during these dark nights that many gardeners often wish they had installed more lighting to either light up their front door for visitors or to driveways and not forgetting their Landscaped gard

Home & Garden: Homemade Solution to Kill Moss in Lawns

Homemade Solution to Kill Moss in Lawns

Moss is a familiar problem on roof shingles and brick walls. While you might be able to convince yourself that moss growth on a building gives it character, you won’t be able to do the same for moss growing on your lawn. It is invasive and unsightly. You can get rid of it using items you likel

Home & Garden: Outdoor Furnishing Options

Outdoor Furnishing Options

It is quite trendy these days to have outdoor furniture. It is a great way to bring your gazebo or patio to life, adding it with color and class. Times have definitely moved on from the simple traditional days in which we kept foldable aluminum chairs and little plastic pieces out with a nice centre

Home & Garden: Types of Grass for Goats

Types of Grass for Goats

Goats are very selective foragers.baby goats image by Earl Robbins from Fotolia.comGoats are very active eaters and can easily cover large areas in search of their favorite plants. Their split upper lips and small mouths make it easy for them to pick the most nutritious plant parts in the...

Home & Garden: Types of Pallet Racks

Types of Pallet Racks

Pallet racking is a method of handling a storage system in which materials are placed on pallets (aka skids). This method is effective in handling and storing various items of different classifications, such as industrial materials, as they become organized and avoid remaining loose at a given space

Home & Garden: Yellow Fungus in the Flower Bed

Yellow Fungus in the Flower Bed

Slime mold is a fungus that feeds on soil organisms. This mold is most common during periods of rainy, humid weather and appears on mulch, weeds, grass and flowers. Slime molds can also develop on driveways and sidewalks.

Home & Garden: What Is Digging Holes in My Grass?

What Is Digging Holes in My Grass?

You put a lot of time and effort into caring for your lawn. When rodents come in and start digging holes in your lawn, it's time to take action. Various animals are known to dig holes in your yard, and fortunately, there are several ways to remove or deter animals to prevent them from causing furthe

Home & Garden: Very Good Reasons to Purchase a Teak Garden Bench

Very Good Reasons to Purchase a Teak Garden Bench

A teak garden bench is an ideal choice for your outside enjoyment. Place in the center of your garden or on the sides, this type of furniture provides the ideal setting to relax and enjoy your garden. Teak is great for the outdoors because it is natural hardwood that is durable.

Home & Garden: Natural Alternative to Privacy Fences

Natural Alternative to Privacy Fences

If you are thinking about building a fence to give you and your family extra privacy, first consider using a natural alternative to the traditional wood or vinyl privacy fence. Natural fences are not only more environmentally friendly, they also offer the same privacy as traditional fences and can h

Home & Garden: How to Charge in a Lawn Mowing Business

How to Charge in a Lawn Mowing Business

One of the challenges most entrepreneurs face involves what to charge for their services. Businesses that sell products can often use their product costs as a basis for pricing, but service businesses like lawn mowing work differently, and prices for service can vary widely among providers. Learning

Home & Garden: DIY Fence Installations

DIY Fence Installations

Over time, your backyard fence may deteriorate and need replacing. Instead of paying an expensive contractor, you can easily install your own wooden fence. Fence pickets and quick-dry concrete can be found at most home improvement stores. Try to use pressure-treated wood whenever possible. It is sli

Home & Garden: When Do I Trim My Trees?

When Do I Trim My Trees?

Austin tree trimming professionals are highly trained in Austin tree removal and controlling tree growth. Consult a pro when trimming trees in Austin, TX.

Home & Garden: Juniper Rock Garden Ideas

Juniper Rock Garden Ideas

Fallen oak leaves dapple a creeping juniper groundcover.junipers and leaves image by Jon Yuschock from Fotolia.comTolerant of drought and winter cold, junipers (Juniperus spp.) planted among beautifully shaped and colored boulders and rocks can create an alluring garden setting. Too much...

Home & Garden: How to Darken the Color of a Cement Patio

How to Darken the Color of a Cement Patio

Cement isn't very dark to begin with, and it may fade over time, especially if it is an outdoor surface, such as a patio. If you want to change the color of your cement, you can do so with a concrete acid stain. This will actually change the color of the cement -- unlike paint, which would merely co