Things You'll Need
Garden Sprayer
1Turn the lid on a garden sprayer counterclockwise and lift it straight off the sprayer tank.
Add water from a garden hose to the tank to fill it about halfway. Measure 3 tablespoons of Hi-Yield Killzall concentrate and pour it into the tank.
Pick up the sprayer tank in one hand. Swirl the contents to mix it thoroughly as you fill the tank up to the 1-gallon mark.
Replace the lid and pump the top handle up and down to pressurize the herbicide contents.
Spray unwanted weeds and grass until they are thoroughly wet with the solution.
Hose-End Sprayer
1Open the top of a hose-end sprayer by turning it counterclockwise. Remove the top.
Measure 3 tablespoons of Hi-Yield Killzall concentrate and pour it into the sprayer.
Replace the top of the hose-end sprayer and turn it clockwise to seal it. Turn the dial on top of the sprayer to 1.5 ounces. The concentrate will mix with water from a garden hose at the rate of 1.5 ounces per gallon.
Screw a garden hose onto the sprayer. Turn the garden hose on, squeeze the trigger and spot treat weeds until they are thoroughly wet with the herbicide.