Health & Medical: How to Hook a Sling to a Hoyer Lift

How to Hook a Sling to a Hoyer Lift

Attaching a sling to a Hoyer lift can be simplified by remembering the phrase, "Far, then near." You work from the parts that are farther away from the patient's head and your body to the parts that are closer to the patient's head and your body. Using a sling with a patient should be similar to pic

Health & Medical: Sources of Asbestos

Sources of Asbestos

Asbestos is a material made from silicate and features long crystals resembling fibers. The fibers were used in a variety of products and materials for thousands of years. By the late 1900s, scientists determined the chemicals in asbestos were responsible for lung cancer and mesothelioma. There are

Health & Medical: How to Hang Platelets

How to Hang Platelets

Platelets are one of the various components that make up your blood. Other components include red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma. Platelets are approximately one quarter the size of red blood cells. Proper platelet function causes blood to form clots. Transfusions of platelets via an intr

Health & Medical: Behavioral Intervention Techniques

Behavioral Intervention Techniques

Behavioral intervention is when you actively try to change someone's behavior. Behavioral intervention techniques all rely on an underlying theme: creating consequences that encourage positive behavior. The two major angles you can approach this from are either to encourage positive behavior or disc

Health & Medical: CPR Courses in Manassas, Virginia

CPR Courses in Manassas, Virginia

The American Red Cross offers CPR training.military red cross image by superkiss from Fotolia.comCardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a technique used to sustain life until further help arrives or is accessible. Health care professionals, lifeguards and baby sitters are among those who find...