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Vineet Arora, MD, MPP, FHM

Title: Associate program director, internal-medicine residency; assistant dean of scholarship and discovery

Institution: Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago

Year: 2006

Riv: "Measuring Quality of Hospital Care for Vulnerable Elders: Use of ACOVE Quality Indicators" (research)

Citation: Arora VM, Fish M, Basu A, et al. Relationship between quality of care of hospitalized vulnerable elders and postdischarge mortality. J Am Geriatrics. 2010;58:1642–1648.

Dr. Arora and her team were recognized in 2006 for validating a set of 16 quality measures collectively known as ACOVE (Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders). The poster competition came full circle: In 2011, a medical student Dr. Arora was mentoring through a National Institutes of Health-sponsored summer training program in aging research won the SHM poster contest for a research project on sleep loss and hospital noise in older adults.

Dr. Arora's research was part of a Reynolds Foundation-funded project to improve the care of older hospitalized patients and the quality of geriatric-specific hospital care.

"I was part of a team that included hospitalists and geriatricians working to evaluate medical education to promote faculty development in geriatrics at our institution," she says. "As part of that, there was a need to collect patient-level data."

Among her findings, a 10% increase in care quality as measured by ACOVE resulted in a 7% reduction in mortality one year after discharge. A self-described researcher-teacher, she continues to examine the relationship between quality of care for older adults and patient outcomes.

"A lot of my teaching is integral to my research—teaching medical students how to do research and mentoring them in doing projects," she says.

She was honored with a SHM Award of Excellence in 2007, as well as a mid-career mentoring award from the Society of general Internal Medicine in 2011. Along the way, she has published more than 100 scientific papers.

Her current research combines her early interest in sleep and fatigue in residency training with a focus on hospitalized elders.

"I have an NIH grant to study how to improve the nighttime environment for hospitalized older adults, so they can sleep and also recover from their acute illness," she explains.

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