Health & Medical First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery

Remedy for Frostbite


    • Frostbite reduces the supply of blood to the affected area. If left untreated, it has the potential to develop into a medical emergency. Deep frostbite can result in tissue death, and once this occurs, amputation or removal of the dead tissue is the only choice to prevent infection, gangrene and possible death.

      Prevention is often the best remedy for frostbite. It is always best for a frostbite-prone person to wear warm clothing that is thick, waterproof and windproof. Apply moisturizer when you go out. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. When the temperature falls below 20 degree F, avoid going out. entirely. Finally, be careful at petrol stations, as skin temperatures fall drastically when open skin comes into contact with petrol.


    • If you can't avoid frostbite or frostbite begins to occur, the first line of treatment is to remove the cause of the problem. Since the source of the problem is always exposure to severe cold, you must go into a warm place as soon as you begin to experience the symptoms of frostbite. Going somewhere warm starts bringing the body to normal temperature over some time and helps the body to resume normal blood flow. Some people have the misconception that alcoholic drinks such as brandy can help raise the body temperature. This is incorrect, these drinks only dilate the nerves a little, giving the feeling of warmth, and should actually be avoided as they can inhibit the body's recovery process. When there is a low presence of fat in your body, the chances of frostbite risk increase, so it is advisable to eat some fatty foods if you believe you may be experiencing symptoms of frostnip. Finally, as you are warming up, the affected area should not be rubbed as this can severely aggravate the problem.


    • For frostnip, direct warmth should be applied by blowing on the affected areas. Rubbing the palms together or keeping them over a fire and bringing them close to the ear can be a good idea. For superficial frostbite, place the affected area in a bucket of warm-to-hot water, keeping the water warm. For deep frostbite, wrap the affected area with a blanket and keep it at a high place till the patient reaches hospital. Preventing bruising is very important in these cases.

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