Health & Medical: Emergency Kit Guidelines

Emergency Kit Guidelines

Every family should have a kit for emergencies. The items can be stored in a medium to large plastic storage bin with a cover. Each family will have different items in their emergency kit, based on the needs of the family. Some families use two or three bins for an emergency kit, plus a case of bott

Health & Medical: Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

A carbon monoxide blood test is used to detect poisoning from breathing carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.

Health & Medical: Long-Term Effects of Anesthesia

Long-Term Effects of Anesthesia

Anesthesia is used every day in hospitals and clinics all over the world. Because it is dangerous to operate on an awake patient, not to mention painful, anesthesia is given. Millions of people have had anesthesia in one form or another. Most people bounce back quickly from the anesthesia with no

Health & Medical: How to Apply the Unna Boot Application

How to Apply the Unna Boot Application

The unna boot is a bandage that is used to treat ulcerated wounds such as on the legs. It is constructed to include zinc oxide and a gelatin mixed into a paste that is in ways similar to the plaster casts used for broken bones. This barrier prevents a patient who has an ulcerated wound from being ab

Health & Medical: Precautions in Treatments of Frostbite

Precautions in Treatments of Frostbite

Frostbite occurs when tissues of the body are frozen. Frostbite is medical emergency, and you should seek treatment immediately when it occurs. The steps taken prior to and during professional medical treatment are crucial to restoring the frostbitten area. Individuals who work or play in extreme co

Health & Medical: Avoiding Sports Injuries

Avoiding Sports Injuries

See what safety equipment can help protect your kids -- and you -- from sports injuries.

Health & Medical: Corneal Abrasion Treatment

Corneal Abrasion Treatment

A corneal abrasion is a painful scrape or scratch of the surface of the clear part of the eye. This clear tissue of the eye is known as the cornea. ...

Health & Medical: The Essence of Equilibrium

The Essence of Equilibrium

In this conclusion of a series on issues facing women in hospital medicine, the authors discuss the challenges of balancing the stressful demands of the hospital with family and personal time.

Health & Medical: How to Treat Choking for an Adult

How to Treat Choking for an Adult

Chocking happens when the airway becomes partially or fully blocked, making it impossible to get sufficient oxygen to live. In adults, chocking usually happens while eating. If you notice an adult is chocking, it's vital to assess the situation as calmly and quickly as possible before administering

Health & Medical: About Choking

About Choking

Choking is the inability to breathe caused by a blocked, swollen, or constricted trachea. It is a medical emergency that can result in brain damage or death. During an episode of choking, air cannot reach the lungs, which results in reduced oxygenation in the blood and vital organs. If the airways a

Health & Medical: How to Find a Physician in Chattanooga, Tennessee

How to Find a Physician in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Whether you're new to the area, a visitor or a long-time resident in need of medical care, finding a physician in Chattanooga is an easy process. Thanks to plenty of local, state and national online resources, as well as other sources of information, locating a Chattanooga doctor is relatively simpl

Health & Medical: How to Handle Crisis Management

How to Handle Crisis Management

To effectively handle a crisis, you want to design a well-coordinated response to any disturbances that might happen within a facility such as an office building or school. The most important features are a clearly articulated plan, a totally lucid understanding of roles and responsibilities and exc