Health & Medical First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery

CPR Courses in Manassas, Virginia

    • The American Red Cross offers CPR training.military red cross image by superkiss from

      Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a technique used to sustain life until further help arrives or is accessible. Health care professionals, lifeguards and baby sitters are among those who find CPR certification useful. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends that businesses train their employees in first aid, including CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use, in case of emergency. Certification lasts one or two years before a recertification course is required. CPR courses in Manassas, Virginia, are available to individuals as well as professional groups.

    Prince William Red Cross

    • The Prince William chapter of the American Red Cross offers CPR, AED and first aid training for everyone from medical professionals to baby sitters. These programs are available to any age group and are tailored to the specific needs of any group or individual. Scholarship funds are available to anyone seeking to learn CRP but cannot afford training. The Adopt-a-Manikin program helps to reduce the cost of the course by cutting down the cost of the Red Cross to purchase new manikins. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are able to take classes to meet badge requirements.

      Prince William Red Cross
      9934 Liberia Ave.
      Manassas, VA 20110


    • JK-Action courses are taught by instructors certified by the American Heart Association (AHA) in basic life support CPR and first aid using AHA materials. Classes are offered in CPR, AED, first aid and blood-borne pathogens. Courses are open to professional groups as well as individuals. CPR classes include health care provider CPR recertification, CPR for adult, child or infant, CPR with AED training and CPR with first aid training. Each course results in a two-year certification. Businesses can use JK-Action's CPR courses to comply with OSHA requirements.

      Token Forest Drive
      Manassas, VA 20112

    Winkler Pool Management

    • Winkler Pool Management offers two types of classes at Bull Run in Manassas. Basic CPR and AED training is a one-day course. Lifeguard, CPR and first aid for the professional rescuer is a three-day course starting on a Friday evening with classes all day Saturday and Sunday. Certification and recertification in CPR and AED are available. Participants must be at least 15 years old, swim freestyle and breast stroke for 300 yards and complete a brick tow exercise in the water. Courses are also available in Ashburn and Alexandria.

      Bull Run
      8101 Seymour Road
      Manassas, VA 20109

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