Diabetes Screening: A1c vs Fasting Plasma Glucose
Is fasting blood glucose the optimal screening test for diabetes in children?
Is fasting blood glucose the optimal screening test for diabetes in children?
Diabetes mellitus affects people of all age group. most times, the type that affects children and young adults is different from the one that affects middle and old aged. A better understanding of each type and which age group is vulnerable can help to understand the disorder better.
Do you perform carotid ultrasonography in patients with diabetic retinopathy? New research explains why you should consider doing so.
Although diabetics are regularly warned against the consumption of carbohydrates, some for instance, complex carbohydrates are actually beneficial if consumed moderately. Basically, carbohydrates are converted into glucose upon their consumption and then absorbed into the bloodstream to provide the
With our hectic, erratic urban lifestyles and genetic predispositions, it is no surprise to know that India is the diabetes capital of the world housing 50.8 million people with diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), which tracks the global spread of this scourge, predicts the number
According to the American Diabetes Association, in 2007 (which is the most recent data they have), 7.8% (23.6 million) of the population have diabetes... that's almost 8 in 100 people.So how do you know if you have diabetes?
Carbohydrate counting is the best way to help control your blood sugar when you have gestational diabetes.Key pointsCarbohydrate counting helps you determine the amount of sugar and starch (carbohydrate) in the foods you eat. This is important because carbohydrate affects your blood sugar more than
Women who have been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes or diabetes of pregnancy, are known to be at a high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease after giving birth. Should such mothers avoid any further pregnancies? Investigators at the Medical University of Vi
A study reported in an issue of Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that African American and Hispanic diabetics have lower levels of magnesium. Magnesium is important for the metabolism of energy and glucose homeostasis.
Our emotions influence what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat. So, feelings can interfere with your ability to follow your diet for diabetes.If you feel that certain foods, such as chocolate cake, are "bad, " you may feel guilty after eating a piece.If you are angry because you ...
Which patients may benefit most from the addition of this GLP-1 receptor agonist to insulin therapy?
SGLT-2 inhibitor therapy may be associated with euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis, and should be used with caution in diabetic patients.
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine", National Institute of Health.
Diabetes is an ailment that affects patients chronically due to a rise in the degree of sugar in the body. This leads to body organs that have high concentrations of glucose losing their vitality.
Diabetes is a medical condition that develops when the body does not produce insulin or use insulin properly. Secreted by the pancreas, insulin is a hormone that regulates sugar levels in the blood.
Diabetes, a disease caused by the body's inability to produce or use insulin, is one of the most financially challenging medical conditions. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics spend more than $13,000 per year on diabetes-related supplies and expenses. The majority of individua
Dibaetics in India afflicted by Shoulder stiffness due to "Adhesive capsulitis" can now benefit from a key hole atraumatic surgery instead of a manipulation under anesthesia - say goodbye to pain from stiffness!
Diabetes is a debilitating disease that occurs when one's body cannot produce enough insulin. Type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, prevents one's body from producing enough insulin, or ignoring the insulin in the body. Insulin is vital to processing sugars and carbohydrates in